Friday, January 14, 2022

The Impossibility of Gamedev - Game Dev Vlog

 An update on the gamedev vlog.

Finally worked up the courage to put this vlog together.  I have been sitting on this one since late last year but never managed to put it together.  

The brain is quite a beast.  Sometimes getting it to do things can take time.  and lots of reflecting.

One of my new year resolutions is to really dive into this game dev stuff.  So it's nice to finally get this one out there.  It's as relevant now as it was back when i recorded it.  

P.S.  Yea I have a game dev channel now.  I started that last year 😅  But the video explains its complications and lack of progress.  🧡

We'll make some real progress this year.  I got a good feeling about 2022.

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