Tuesday, January 11, 2022

More Yoh Yoshinari Studies and Mouse Girl.

 Really Focusing on the Yoh Yoshinari studies.

It's crazy to think that not long ago I had the most difficulty struggling to even remotely draw the kind of art that really inspired me.

Here are some more of those studies!

Again, really trying to focus on understanding his shape language and why he does the lines shapes and movements that he does.  I felt like I wasnt quite on point with these, but looking back at them they all turned out pretty alright.

I ended up recording a portion of these for a future art vlog.  I'll talk more about it in a later post.

And for no particular reason here's a little character I drew with the mouse.

She's kinda cute.  She has no name.  I kinda want to do more with her though haha.

This is so crazy though.  This picture feels like a random throwback to the early days of the art blog haha.  wow.

Good studies.

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