Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Slow Burn - Art Vlog

Here's that art vlog I recorded.  I didnt want to sit on it for ages like I tend to do sometimes. haha

I'm trying to get that back up and going again.  This one will be a bit of an experiment for longer form content.  I'm just kind of tired of the hyper fast nature of the internet now-a-days.  Surely I cant be the only one...

As much as it feels like I am behind by almost every conceivable metric, the idea of taking things slow has always rubbed me in a weird way.  But everything I've learned and everything I've seen has pointed to that being the correct path to take.  The path to just letting go and having fun with it all.  And I guess I'm ok with that.  As artists we create literal worlds.  Regardless of the quality, that's pretty freakin cool.

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