Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 29, 2013

So late so sleepy.

I ended up getting hung up on the 2nd post... i just couldn't get it to look right.  I still dont exactly know what is wrong with it, but by the time i started the 3rd drawing of it sleep really started kicking in.  So the rest were kind of rushed.  Not bad considering how sleepy I got haha.  The first one did turn out rather well.  So did the guy reaching in the air.  I think I'm starting to get my mojo back!  I just need to stick with it.

I also revived an old game idea I had.   It is a classic DnD style table top RPG game.  I worked out a few kinks in the stat system and started work on how quests might work.  I must admit, i am pretty excited.  More info on that when I can.  Till then, MORE ARTZ!

Need to keep up my training!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 28, 2013

Had a busy day...  Not able to work as much as I wanted, but here are todays sketches.
I was just about to call it a night, but I hadn't done my sketches.  SO BAM!  I cranked these out just before bed.  I did them a little faster than I normally do, I'm surprised they actually turned out as good as they did.

Tomorrow shouldn't be as busy as today, so we'll see what's going on.  MORE SKETCHES!

Also, remind me to talk about goals and stuff, those are super important.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 27, 2013

The day was thrown off a bit from Memorial Day activities.  But I still managed to get some work in today.  Back to the regular ol sketches.  Again, some turned out rather nice and others need a bit of work.  I hope my increase in productivity will smooth out some of the little areas I am having trouble with.

 A few notes about these sketches that I don think I have ever really mentioned.  As you should know, these sketches are done through the website but the thing I've never mentioned is that I have set out to draw the picture no matter what.  I don't skip pictures (unless i have seen the picture 3 or 4 times, but even still I try to draw them [which is a reason i miss the old pixelovely website, repeats on there were super rare])  I found that by skipping pictures that might be more difficult for me, I am missing out on an opportunity to improve on areas I might be weak on.  Most of the figures on that site are nude, and seeing that the aim of these studies is to grasp a better understanding of the human body, sometimes it can be tempting to just skip the pictures with fabric or clothes.  However, in doing so I would be missing out on valuable practice of my weak areas, so I simply draw the next picture regardless.  Sometimes the poses are so strange I don't even know how to tackle them!!  But if i skip it, I will never learn how to tackle them.  So i press on with hopes of learning something from the experience.

And squash.
Because squash.

Monday, May 27, 2013

May 27, 2013 New Schedule

New Schedule!
I have been working on a new schedule for about a month.  One of the problems with my past schedules is that I often required too much of myself and would burn myself out far to early.  Much of my time in this new schedule will be spent editing and improving on and creating art.  But I will try to not be so hard on myself if i start to feel burnt out.  This should hopefully result in much more productivity and a stable mind across the board.  Wish me luck this week, here's hoping for more great things!

I know he's out there.
An art trade I did with a good bud of mine RAZ.  I'm actually really pleased with this haha.  It is an ongoing joke he and I have had about the opening theme of the "New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh" where we repeat "I know he's out there" repeatedly.  Then in a talk, we had the idea of a scary pooh bear showing up with the text and I had to do that for our art trade haha!  I'm rather pleased with this one. 

Bub and Bob:
Requested by my bud Shaunzy, Bub and Bob from Bubble Bobble!  These ended up being pretty freakin adorable.  I tried a little something different on these and really like how they turned out.  Lately i've been switching between Flash and Photoshop.  While i love the simplicity of flash, I'm not entirely sure doing full complete drawings would be the best for me.  While flash still does give desirable results in final pictures I feel it lacks the complexity to fully explore my creative mind....  Well, in the picture sense at least, of-course flash works for animations. 

Lastly, I don't feel as though I express this enough, but I am so appreciative of my friends family and fans that have supported me all this time in everything.  It is you guys that really keep me going and wanting to grow as an artist, and individual.

Thanks for that.


Monday, May 20, 2013

May 5, 2013 - May 17, 2013

I updated java and It seems I can upload things again!  Woohoo!  Here's a post of all the images I've done till now.

Art trade with Pixelmaster9000 This is his character Jeffery Craig Kool.
This is his character if he had a fire powerup.  I had a lot of trouble with this one.  The shorter body type was hard to capture correctly.  I think I still made him a bit taller than he should have been.  But I learned a lot during this one.

The next one:
From Shaunzy's stream.  We took a break and he wanted me to draw a thing.  SO I DREW A BOOT!

Next one:
Art Trade with Shaunzy!  His character Mimi.
Really surprised with how well this one turned out.  Did this one in photoshop with various line techniques.  I used a number of layers, sketch, line, color and an extra for the face. 

And here is the sketch of this one.
Some sketches.  My lack of practice...  ARRRRGG  Must try harder.  Not terrible, but needs work.

These started out as the regular studies.  But I decided to change it up a bit with a cat thing.  The one eyed girl is Raocow's character "Demo"  And the dude on the far right is "Don't Starve".  I'm actually rather proud of these.  They turned out nice.  I might turn the two on the right into complete pictures.  But we'll see.

Lastly Vilppu Training!

Click here to view the full image.
These were studies taken from the Vilppu head anatomy video.  I think I might have started on the wrong place with these videos, I noticed it had a chapter system that I might go back and do instead of these anatomy videos.  We'll have to see.  But I will be reviewing these notes to get them in my head.

Friday, May 17, 2013

May 03, 2013

These were the images from May 3rd.  I think it was because of that upload problem that I didn't upload them, but I don't quite remember.  Either way, here they are!  I actually think these turned out rather well! I am pleased.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Blogspot, what do?

Ya know, I was going to upload things tonight but this blogspot doesnt seem to be letting me upload...
I could use imgur but i dont know how long those files actually last...  wo is me.

I have 2 images from May 3rd that i didn't upload (I haven't a clue why i didn't upload those)
two art trades,
some vilppu video notes,
and more training from May 15 (yesterday)

And you dont want to work blogspot!?  I will investigate this more tomorrow.

Edit: OH WAIT!
I actually livestreamed some of it!

It was a test to see if everything still worked over there.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Nice Productive Day

Woke up this morning and just told myself to be productive.

Holy wow was I productive!  I got a ton of cleaning done, and a ton of editing.  I even ended the day on a nice sketching note.  Also saw a nice video/stream by youtube user Sycra on being an artist. It was very inspirational.  It's a bit long, but he says a lot of nice things.

I just have to suck it up and continue.  Essentially the same mindset that got me to start drawing again to begin with.  Keep working, keep training!  STAY PRODUCTIVE!

Today's sketches.
... uh...  I'm not sure what's going on I'm not able to upload any images today for some reason.  It never starts the upload when I select the image.  I also did a bit of work on an art trade I am currently doing.  The character I am drawing is a bit of a smaller stubby character, the proportions are way off from what I have been studying and has proven to be an interesting challenge.  I will post those images when the art trade is complete.

Till then, here are the sketches.  There are some aspects that I think really turned out nicely on these.  Cheers to productivity!