Thursday, May 2, 2013

Nice Productive Day

Woke up this morning and just told myself to be productive.

Holy wow was I productive!  I got a ton of cleaning done, and a ton of editing.  I even ended the day on a nice sketching note.  Also saw a nice video/stream by youtube user Sycra on being an artist. It was very inspirational.  It's a bit long, but he says a lot of nice things.

I just have to suck it up and continue.  Essentially the same mindset that got me to start drawing again to begin with.  Keep working, keep training!  STAY PRODUCTIVE!

Today's sketches.
... uh...  I'm not sure what's going on I'm not able to upload any images today for some reason.  It never starts the upload when I select the image.  I also did a bit of work on an art trade I am currently doing.  The character I am drawing is a bit of a smaller stubby character, the proportions are way off from what I have been studying and has proven to be an interesting challenge.  I will post those images when the art trade is complete.

Till then, here are the sketches.  There are some aspects that I think really turned out nicely on these.  Cheers to productivity!

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