Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 27, 2013

The day was thrown off a bit from Memorial Day activities.  But I still managed to get some work in today.  Back to the regular ol sketches.  Again, some turned out rather nice and others need a bit of work.  I hope my increase in productivity will smooth out some of the little areas I am having trouble with.

 A few notes about these sketches that I don think I have ever really mentioned.  As you should know, these sketches are done through the website http://artists.pixelovely.com/ but the thing I've never mentioned is that I have set out to draw the picture no matter what.  I don't skip pictures (unless i have seen the picture 3 or 4 times, but even still I try to draw them [which is a reason i miss the old pixelovely website, repeats on there were super rare])  I found that by skipping pictures that might be more difficult for me, I am missing out on an opportunity to improve on areas I might be weak on.  Most of the figures on that site are nude, and seeing that the aim of these studies is to grasp a better understanding of the human body, sometimes it can be tempting to just skip the pictures with fabric or clothes.  However, in doing so I would be missing out on valuable practice of my weak areas, so I simply draw the next picture regardless.  Sometimes the poses are so strange I don't even know how to tackle them!!  But if i skip it, I will never learn how to tackle them.  So i press on with hopes of learning something from the experience.

And squash.
Because squash.

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