Monday, December 16, 2013

Dec. 15, 2013 - Holiday Rush Continues, Gestures

The holiday busy rush continues.  Here's hoping this is the final week.

Had a busy day, but I did manage to sit down to do a few of these.  As much as I'd like to continue drawing, and man do I, I need to be up earlier than normal this whole week.  Regardless here's the gestures!

These were all 2 min gestures.  I wasn't expecting these results at all.  During these I noticed that I was able to pick out the shapes of the body parts a little better than normal.  The concept of form seemed to be a little bit more in my grasp than usual.  It feels like I was able to capture some of the bending and twisting action Vilppu talks about in his lectures on a few of these.  This excites me.  Ending this blog on a high note feels nice.  I like that.


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