Friday, December 20, 2013

Dec. 19, 2013 - Sketches, Rosalina, and The perfect Image Complex

Had a lot on my mind during these sketches.  General busyness of the holidays.  oawowoaowaoaowowa  Even still, some turned out pretty good.  Another day another sketch!

And Rosalina!
Rosalina was recently announced for smash bros so i thought i'd do a thing with her.  So here she is throwing a Luma!  Looking back at this i'm seeing more mistakes pop up than I did when creating it.  Even still, I really enjoyed creating this one.  I tried playing around with lighting a liiiiittle bit.  the end result is not bad, but I could definitely ramp it up next time.  I learned a bit while doing this one.  In the end, I'm glad I did it.

Ya know, I was thinking a lot about the need to complete the "perfect image"  Something that I've given the name "Perfect Image Complex."  It's when you complete a drawing/painting/animation/video then feel the fear not being able to live up to that creation the next time you do something.  Like you've set the bar to a new level and it's impossible to live up to that.  I noticed that a lot.  In particular when I was growing up.  Why is that?  I recently saw a video of an artist guy talking about the importance of mileage when it comes to art.  Putting out as much art as you can not only for you to learn from, but to just get the experience you need in order to do things correctly. 

Before I started really trying to improve my art I would have these moments where I would draw or do something amazing!  Seemingly by accident.  And now that I've put hours into studying and trying to learn the internal workings of a piece of art, I'm convinced it WAS just that, an accident.  I didn't really know what I was doing or where i was going with the piece, I just kinda winged the whole thing and if something turned out good then it was good.  Now, however, things seem to be a bit different.  I can SEE why something works or doesn't.  Or, I am learning to see why things work, i should say.  And it feels like an entirely different ball game.  When something ends up looking right, i now know why it looks right.  Because I've put in the extra time/mileage to learn the subject matter.  While my gestures, forms, etc etc need a lot of work, I can say that my understanding of proportions have really excelled.  This is no doubt because of the constant studying I do.  Interesting thing to note about those, proportions weren't even the thing I was trying to learn.  I just kind of learned it while studying the other forms and such.  I'm not claiming to be perfect at anything, but this just shows just how important it is to really keep an open mind when doing any study.  You just might accidentally learn something new.

The end goal, is to become familiar enough with what you are drawing/creating so that there are no longer those "little accident" levels of success, but rather, well thought out and planned levels of success.  It's a slow process.  Slow process indeed.  But it's a thing im doing.  Gonna conclude this blog with a thing I recently heard somebody say.  I don't remember where or who I heard it from, but it really made me think.  It went something like this. 

"People and objects will come and go in your life, but your art is there till the end."  And that's completely true.  If it's gonna be with me till the end, I might as well nurture it, feed it, and make it more amazing.

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