Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dec. 21, 2013 - Vilppu Chapter 4, Mental Blocks, and Progress

Finally finished up Vilppu chapter 4
I finally finished up Chapter 4 Box and Sphere forms.  Much like the box forms, I had a lot of trouble really grasping the box forms for some reason.  These only emphasizes one of my weaker points when it comes to forms, and drawing in general.  I need to set time aside to really understand boxes and with only one more week of holiday hustle I'll have more time to work on my weak spots.

Few random sketches
 The first sketch on the left I wasn't very proud of.  It has that feel to it of my older stuff so I just didn't bother finishing it.  The other two I did nontimed figure studies.  I was supposed to do more but I just kind of stopped at 2.  I wanted to draw my characters.

And my characters.
 I remembered what I had said in my last blog about not feeling worthy to draw my own characters.  So I wanted to combat that.
I took a deep breath and gave it my all.  I did these without using any reference.  I wanted to see how much I could draw from my mind solely on memory alone.  They all did require a bit of work before i got them to where i was really happy with them.  I had to cut and move a bit here and there.  But in the end too my surprise, they all turned out rather good!  I was able to pinpoint the trouble areas and touch them up to look just that much better.  I'm beginning to believe that there is much more to the mental games of art than I had ever previously thought.  There is an entire unseen area of mental blocks that need to be torn down before real progress can be made.  It seems the more I become aware of these mental blocks the more I'm able to take the necessary steps to combat those. 

One of those images I felt was good enough to finish.  So Holiday Nona was born!
I dressed nona into some festive clothes.  I tried leaving her colors orange but it seemed to clash with the whole holiday theme a bit so I changed her colors to match her clothes.  with zero reference on this image, I might have to say that this is probably my favorite image to date.  While it isn't perfect, it is really a "sum" of my work and effort put into one image.  and I'm pleased with that.

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