Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dec. 18, 2013 - FMA Maes-Hughes & Not good enough for my own characters.

One more of these!
Maes Hughes, one of my favorite characters in the series.
 Again, like last time, I winged the pose to see what I could come up with.  I don't really have a lot to say about it (and it's really late XD) But I like how it turned out.

 Aaaaand here's the sketch of it.

On the side, I've been rethinking the story and Lore behind my two robot characters Nona and Dogster.  So I figured I'd give them a doodle.

I have no idea why Nona was so large in this one, I think i had the zoom set wrong or something.  Anyway, not my best by any means, but it is what it is.  And that's all part of this blog, the good, bad, and ugly... I need to remind myself that sometimes.  Remind myself that this blog isn't for all the perfect pictures, but for just freakin everything.  Drawing these did get me remembering...  Didn't I say I wanted to draw my own characters more often?  I completely forgot about that haha.  It's an interesting thing when it comes to my own characters, I don't know if anybody else feels that way when they haven't drawn in a while.  I don't like to see them drawn "not good"  Like i'm not good enough to draw my own characters.  It's an interesting feeling, and i've noticed it just about every time I tried to draw them over the course of my return to art. I guess I just never really gave it a good thought and just left it as it was.  That is silly.  That is a silly way of thinking.  There's no reason i should not feel good enough to draw things I made. Perhaps that's the reason why when I draw my OCs they generally turn out worse than other things I draw.  It's kind of like that whole "fear of success" thing I talked about in another blog..  I'm limiting myself because I don't think Im good enough.  The whole psychological thing.  The next time I draw them, which is soon, I should consciously make an effort to combat these silly thoughts.

Anyway, that's it for now.
More training!

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