Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dec. 8 and 9, 2013 - Holiday is Not Over, Pokemon, Dullahan, and Schedule

Silly me, I forgot December had a Holiday.  Busyness has extended another month.
Christmas, Christmas holiday.  owaowaoawowoaowaoawowowao

BUNEARY!  I asked a few friends what to draw and Buneary.
Never drawn Buneary before.  I can say it turned out pretty decent.

Mawile was another pokemon.
Never drew this one either.  I really like how it turned out.  I don't really like how the pose turned out, but overall i think it's nice.

A friend of mine recently had a birthday and I wanted to draw him charmander.  As many times as i've drawn charmander I can never seem to get him right!  I don't know why that is.  I decided to throw out all my reference and freedraw him.  His feet turned out a bit big, but this is much better than the other attempts.  Regardless, I know your probably reading this post, so Happy Birthday again Raz :D!  And as a holiday gift to all of the viewers of this blog, I'll try to keep on top of updates a big more.  More on that after the art though.

Next up, Monster Girl Dullahan

Dullahan?  Their heads come off right?  I'm not too sure, so i drew her sitting on her head.  I actually didn't use any reference for this one.  I wanted to see how It would turn out.  And i'd say not too shabby.  I am really pleased with the proportions.

Lastly, I finally sat down and wrote myself a serious schedule.  I have the absolute worst A.D.H.D. (the one where the mind constantly wanders.  I can sit down for long periods of time, but my brain certainly can't) I very often find myself day dreaming or wondering away from things that i should be doing.  I have learned that the best way for me to combat this is through setting a schedule of some sort for myself.  At the moment it's a pretty basic schedule that consists of times to serious study, work on gestures, free sketching, recording, editing, etc. End goal is to keep me on track with art studies and other various things and to combat the terrible daydreamer mind of mine.  However, with the coming holiday hublub, things will be more complicated these coming weeks.  First and foremost though, i do need to fix this sleep schedule.  Staying up this late cant be a good thing haha.  anyway, MORE TRAINING!

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