Monday, September 17, 2018

Andrew Loomis Head & Depersonalization

Had a few people in chat saying that Hampton's head lesson is a bit complicated for somebody of my skill level and suggested I try Andrew Loomis head instead.  They told me to check out youtuber Proko to see it in action.

Then I did a few more of these shape things.

The last little part of that was an interesting video i ran into that talked about how to deal with Depersonalization.  It talked about having a healthy diet, proper rest, MAYBE exercise(will touch on this in just a minute)  Removing as much stress as possible then vitamin supplements that can help ease the effects of DPD.  Most of it I kinda knew but it was nice having it put together in such a nice way.  This is the first part of a multi part series on what DPD is and really explains things in a way I'd never seen before.  It was a great watch.

Then the last few were just a few extra figures.

The more I do this streaming thing, the more feeling the urge to share my story more.  Not just the art side but the whole mental side of things.  I feel like that's an aspect of art that often goes under represented and under appreciated.  The aspect of looking inward to understand the reasons for these inner struggles.  Feels like it goes so much deeper.  And the deeper you go the harder things get...  but it's like waking up from a nightmare when you start to figure things out...  It's powerful.

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