Thursday, February 28, 2013

Feb 27

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Doggy and Doggy from Doggy

A little birthday thing I did.

I was a little pressed for time, had to babysit for my birthday, yaye...

That was a part 2 of last years birthday present thing i did.  Just some silly fun really.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Seeing Double

Tried something a little different with this session, the images on the left were drawn using visual reference, while the images on the right were done without.

I really like the idea of doing this and think some of them turned out pretty good.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Feb 20

Rather proud of the amount i did tonight.  It's more than I had been doing the past few nights, so that's pretty great.
I tried to focus on speed this time around.

I noticed that during my speed trainings the quality really takes a dip.  This is a problem I need to work on.  I'm not exactly sure how to properly address this, my guess is to just do more speed training...(?)
There's a few that still turned out pretty well.

Either way, I must keep up my training!
I think I should incorporate more tutorials into my studies.  Getting more experienced other peoples input on technique will help, no doubt.

Lastly, another thing I've really noticed is the importance of knowing how to shut out unwanted noise from your life.  As a pursuing artist artist, you'll come across people who will put you down for your art, your artistic ways, your way of life, and more.  More often than not, these are people that haven't the slightest clue about what it means to be an artist or the deep passion and emotions that can be generated from creation.  Disregard their advice.  It can be hard to deal with these people and/or situations with these people.  Especially if its from friends or relatives.  But you mustn't let these things detour you!  Im half writing this to myself seeing that I have had to deal with people like this.  People who shove my passions and morals aside as though it is merely some kind of rubbish that i would be "better" without.  As though I need to bury my passion to fit in to some kind of foolish normalizes that these people have convinced themselves that this is in fact something that exists.   bah.

I cant be angry at them.  They only want what's best for me.  But I tell you, the day when I have reached a more stable way of living, It will be nice to turn around and prove every single one of them wrong.

Either way,
I need to keep up your training.  It's time for !!OVER-TIME!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Feb 19

Few sketches.
Some of these were quicker than others

Kamen Rider!!!
I was supposed to do a lot more of these, but I got distracted >.<

I realllllly need to work on my focus.  Oh d-d-d-d-d-dear.
Tomorrow more training!!!

Buuuut...  Mokuu keeps telling me I dont want to burn myself out...  Perhaps I haven't GIVEN myself enough time to rest and reflect, maybe that's why focus has been so hard lately (aside from a few personal things that I think i have under control)  Then again, I have always struggled with focus and keeping on track with things...  hmmm...  hmm hmm hmmmm  definitely stuff to take into consideration.  Perhaps I should give my self some time off.  I am very proud of all the progress I have made thus far.

Maybe less "focused" and more free flow?  I DUNNO!  We'll see!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feb 18

Birthday gift for my bud Melly featuring myself and Shaunzy!
Because all 3 of our birthday's fall within the same week, I'll have a few more with us :D!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


One of the most important things i have noticed when returning back to the art world is how very important having the right mind set can be.  Shutting out silly things and really focusing on things that REALLY matter to me.  Which for me, right now, It's art...  And creating things...  And of-course the well being of friends and family, though I've always just kinda ran with the assumption that they have enough brain capacity to control their own lives.  (which is a very nice idea once you think about it)  But oh man, I love my friends, such great folks.  <3

Todays sketches!

Oh man, i dont mean to toot my own horn or anything, but these look pretty decent!  Im really pleased with the skateboard dude and the baseball dude.  I recall getting these exact pictures in previous studies (from ) and really wishing they had turned out better.  WELL, it does appear that they did turn out better this time around.  Not to mention the others turned out pretty decent also.

Before I end this post though, I want to share a little Image I noticed when updating my sketches folder.

I looked down in the bottom left and noticed that in that folder I had accumulated 139 images!  All of which would not have existed had I not finally decided to buckle down and start drawing more.  This is a very empowering feeling to know that I have been able to stick with it for this long (roughly four months I believe)

I certainly feel that my artistic eye has improved, as well as finally having some decent foundation to understanding the human figure.  Despite having drawn the majority of my life, tackling the human figure has always been something that I was always too afraid to really address.  I would even avoid it at all costs because I was afraid that I wouldn't do it right.

Its thoughts like these that that really remind me just how far I have come as an artist.  And it's these moments that really make me excited to see just how far I will go.  But there's one thing for certain, I'll never know if I don't keep moving.  KACHOW!  THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!

I must keep up my training.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Feb 14, 2013

Been taking care of a few personal things the past few days.  Perhaps I'll elaborate when it's not freakin 6 in the morning haha XD

Nevertheless here are the sketches! 
I usually have the tendency to draw heads a little too big.  This doesnt seem to be the problem in these sketches.  That wasn't even the main focus of this session, but it still managed to fall into place.  This pleases me.  I also really like how my legs are looking a bit more like legs.

These last few, i'm not exactly sure when i did these, they were randomly done between the last post and tonight.
It's not a lot but I threw them in anyway.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Twisting it up!

Stretching and twisting, a foreign concept.

HUGE props to a buddy of mine Mokuu that has been throwing tons of amazingly helpful resources my way.  I recently started on the book "How to draw Comics and Cartoons"  A lot of the twists I did were drawn using the book as reference because this is such a different concept to me.

I will fool around with this idea more in the future.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Keep moving.

If you keep falling, keep getting up.  Keep moving forward, keep moving.  Try harder.


 Didn't quite finish this one, but I rather like what I did do.

 A few figure studies.

During these, i noticed i was moving far to slowly.  focusing too much on the little details and just general things that i dont think i should be worrying about at the moment.  So you know what that means!!!

30 second gestures!!

It's late so i didnt do a lot.  These figures were drawn using as reference.  I am slowly trying to move towards more realistic studies and I think I have learned enough to finally try these.

Health stuff:
Recently I found out I have low blood pressure so I have been working towards fixing that.  This must be why I feel so crummy all the time, WHY WAS I NOT AWARE OF THIS BEFORE!?

Not a big fan of alcohol, but I have been drinking a little red wine before bed.  Been doing it for a few days and I think i see improvements.  It's either red wine or green tea...  GREEN TEA....  no.  just no.  I th... no

More training tomorrow.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


The time has come!  Tonight marks the night where everything falls into place! (at least in my brain)

Ideas that I have been churning for years, concepts that i've been working on for years, the whole shebang!  I cant even put into words just how amazing I feel right now.  Suggestions by people, ideas and, oh man.  This could possibly be THE project to help me move forward in whatever the heck it is that I want to do with my life.  All the pieces fit! IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!!  This form of story telling mixed with my brain patterns and sense of humor.  IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!!

It's incredibly late, but I've been jotting ideas down for hours.  Holy boots!  This has the potential to be totally amazing!  I am excite.

Now I REAAALLLLY have to buckle down and focus on my artwork if I want this project to be as amazing as I'm wanting it to be.  I know I can do it.  I MUST KEEP UP MY TRAINING! 

Glad I didn't go to bed early tonight, I would have missed out on something amazing.

Computer update,
Wasn't able to recover those files, the program i was trying was of no use (and cost more $$$ than i would be willing to pay at the moment)  I did find another program to do the same thing for free haha, but it was still of no real help.

HOWEVER!!  Stupid me forgot I had also made a backup on my portable hard drive before the fresh install... so uhh...  YESSS!!!! :D

Despite having lost the windows.old file with everything in it,  I had a back up of all my personal files on my portable.  I am happy :D

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

restoring files...

*face palm to the fifth power*

So, I did a clean install of windows a while back and it saved all my old files in "windows.old" folder.  And i recently did a disk cleanup and that deleted my windows.old folder....  *face palm again*

Im using this as a guide to restore my files.  I know what I'm doing all night!

Maybe i can get some drawings in the good ol sketch pad while i watch this thing scan.
Ah well, not all is lost.  Thankfully I copied some of the more important files from windows.old to my desktop, but still, losing anything is annoying.  Ah well, what's done is done.  Next post i'll let you guys know how it went.


It's late again, but this is what i've done. the past few days.
Did this for my buddy shaunzy's wind waker livestream.  I have more I need to do, but these are the two i have finished :P

And superbowl.


Regular update schedule should resume shortly.  And by that i mean "Beep boo boo bop I am robat"

Friday, February 1, 2013

Great Month

So the month of January comes to a close and what a month it's been!
Looking back at this month I'm actually a bit surprised how much I was able to do, especially compared to what little i seemed to have done back in December.

Here's hoping I can continue to build up my skills for the month of February!

But until then, here are my final drawings for this month.

An art trade with my buddy Melly/ MellmanProductions.
I really like the adventure time style and wanted to keep that in there with the last trade i did with him, and I also know he likes king dedede.  so  ICE KING DEDEDE!

Next was the result of a long conversation with a buddy of mine Razrd with a few wrestlers standing by him while he was watching a podcast.  haha

Last was a small request from my bud Shaunzy/ Bananco38
I was very happy with the way the pose turned out.

 After completing this picture, I grabbed the face from my other picture and threw it on shaunzy and also added some cat ears and tail.

Then a final tweak to this picture, I switched the face back and kept the ears and tail. :D

3 colored pics in one day, I'm rather pleased.

See you guys next month :D!!