Saturday, February 9, 2013

Keep moving.

If you keep falling, keep getting up.  Keep moving forward, keep moving.  Try harder.


 Didn't quite finish this one, but I rather like what I did do.

 A few figure studies.

During these, i noticed i was moving far to slowly.  focusing too much on the little details and just general things that i dont think i should be worrying about at the moment.  So you know what that means!!!

30 second gestures!!

It's late so i didnt do a lot.  These figures were drawn using as reference.  I am slowly trying to move towards more realistic studies and I think I have learned enough to finally try these.

Health stuff:
Recently I found out I have low blood pressure so I have been working towards fixing that.  This must be why I feel so crummy all the time, WHY WAS I NOT AWARE OF THIS BEFORE!?

Not a big fan of alcohol, but I have been drinking a little red wine before bed.  Been doing it for a few days and I think i see improvements.  It's either red wine or green tea...  GREEN TEA....  no.  just no.  I th... no

More training tomorrow.

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