Saturday, February 16, 2013


One of the most important things i have noticed when returning back to the art world is how very important having the right mind set can be.  Shutting out silly things and really focusing on things that REALLY matter to me.  Which for me, right now, It's art...  And creating things...  And of-course the well being of friends and family, though I've always just kinda ran with the assumption that they have enough brain capacity to control their own lives.  (which is a very nice idea once you think about it)  But oh man, I love my friends, such great folks.  <3

Todays sketches!

Oh man, i dont mean to toot my own horn or anything, but these look pretty decent!  Im really pleased with the skateboard dude and the baseball dude.  I recall getting these exact pictures in previous studies (from ) and really wishing they had turned out better.  WELL, it does appear that they did turn out better this time around.  Not to mention the others turned out pretty decent also.

Before I end this post though, I want to share a little Image I noticed when updating my sketches folder.

I looked down in the bottom left and noticed that in that folder I had accumulated 139 images!  All of which would not have existed had I not finally decided to buckle down and start drawing more.  This is a very empowering feeling to know that I have been able to stick with it for this long (roughly four months I believe)

I certainly feel that my artistic eye has improved, as well as finally having some decent foundation to understanding the human figure.  Despite having drawn the majority of my life, tackling the human figure has always been something that I was always too afraid to really address.  I would even avoid it at all costs because I was afraid that I wouldn't do it right.

Its thoughts like these that that really remind me just how far I have come as an artist.  And it's these moments that really make me excited to see just how far I will go.  But there's one thing for certain, I'll never know if I don't keep moving.  KACHOW!  THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!

I must keep up my training.

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