Thursday, February 21, 2013

Feb 20

Rather proud of the amount i did tonight.  It's more than I had been doing the past few nights, so that's pretty great.
I tried to focus on speed this time around.

I noticed that during my speed trainings the quality really takes a dip.  This is a problem I need to work on.  I'm not exactly sure how to properly address this, my guess is to just do more speed training...(?)
There's a few that still turned out pretty well.

Either way, I must keep up my training!
I think I should incorporate more tutorials into my studies.  Getting more experienced other peoples input on technique will help, no doubt.

Lastly, another thing I've really noticed is the importance of knowing how to shut out unwanted noise from your life.  As a pursuing artist artist, you'll come across people who will put you down for your art, your artistic ways, your way of life, and more.  More often than not, these are people that haven't the slightest clue about what it means to be an artist or the deep passion and emotions that can be generated from creation.  Disregard their advice.  It can be hard to deal with these people and/or situations with these people.  Especially if its from friends or relatives.  But you mustn't let these things detour you!  Im half writing this to myself seeing that I have had to deal with people like this.  People who shove my passions and morals aside as though it is merely some kind of rubbish that i would be "better" without.  As though I need to bury my passion to fit in to some kind of foolish normalizes that these people have convinced themselves that this is in fact something that exists.   bah.

I cant be angry at them.  They only want what's best for me.  But I tell you, the day when I have reached a more stable way of living, It will be nice to turn around and prove every single one of them wrong.

Either way,
I need to keep up your training.  It's time for !!OVER-TIME!!

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