Friday, August 2, 2013

Aug. 1, 2013 - This Month's Plans

Things might be a little slow this month for the blog.  There are a few things that I REALLY want and need to finish that are kind of lingering over my head.  So this month I will focus a little less on art things while I hopefully finish these other projects.  With those out of the way I won't have to worry so much about other projects and can more peacefully invest my time into my studies and drawings.  This, however, doesn't mean the blog will be abandoned.  I will still try my hardest to at least get some kind of daily study or drawing session in, though it will not be as main of a focus as in previous months.

It has always been incredibly difficult for me to focus on two different tasks as I have been doing for a while here on the blog.  While all of my progress has in fact been made during this split focus, I think it would be best if I really finished off some other things so I will at least not have that extra bit to worry about.  I can't promise anything, but that's this months plan.  GOING ALL OUT!!!...  In a slightly different direction.  At least for this month.

Art is still the most important thing right now.  If I feel that this new focus is harming it in some way, I will revert back to my prior way of doing things and just finish things that way.  We'll see what happens!

P.S.  OH and uh.  I also did a few playtests of that "game" I'm working on.  I kind of like what I saw.  It isn't perfect, and there are still some kinks I need to iron out in the combat system.  Combat is not the most important aspect of this "game", but it is there, and I want it to be simple, clean and at least fun and/or engaging.  Unfortunately, this isn't one of the projects I will be able to finish this month, or next month, or a few months down the line.  I have no idea how long it will take before this thing is ready, but I am legitimately excited for it.  It isn't quite like anything I have seen before, which only excites me even more.  I think it has potential.  I apologize for being so hush hush about it (and I probably wont talk much about it for a while).  I just want to be extra careful with the idea.  Just know that it's... different... :P

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