Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Aug. 13, 2013 - Sketches, Gift Art, Vilppu Chapter3 (complete)

 Had a pretty great day.  I managed to get quite a bit of art done.  I think I am finally getting used to my new schedule and other non art related duties.  I feel much more at ease with things, which is always a good sign.  I felt a bit rusty when doing these sketches, but hey, just glad to be in the right mindset again.

 The first batch were 1 min sketches.

 The first few were super rusty, but I think I got a bit of my flow back as things went on.  Nothing too spectacular but practice is practice.  A few box forms managed to show up as well.

These next few were 5 min each.
I was attempting to be quick but thorough.  Really take in the figure and understand the 3 dimensional forms that create it.  I'm not sure how successful I was but I got some decent figures done.  A long while back, my buddy Mokuu suggested I try some more focused studies.  For a full week take do mass studies on the arm, leg, hands, feet, etc.   I was a bit intimidated by the task, and even tried it a few times on the blog here only to kind of fall through, the head studies I did a while back  Perhaps I try something like this again.  I think I might be ready for the challenge!

And this box form without reference.
I don't know, I still don't  reaaalllly understand these things...  Buuuut...  I think my brain might be wrapping around it a little more.  Baby steps, baby steps.  Still dont like boxes, but i know this will really help in many areas of my art if i can really get this down.  Not so much "BOX FORMS" but just understanding boxes.  A bit more on the vilppu section.  But first, GIFT ART!

A few good friends of mind had art requests... SO I DID THEM :D! 
My buddy Larz picked up the new lego game and suggested I do a picture of the main character Laval.  SO I DID!

I really enjoyed this one because it gave me a chance to play around with colors and the idea of the box forms again.  Looking at it now, there are a few things that I could have done better, or differently.  I tried to use a coloring method my buddy Shaunzy taught me.  I couldn't remember all the details of the technique, and I lost my notes in the death of my hard drive.  But What I did remember I think it turned out alright.

Next gift aft was for my other good buddy Raz! 
I'd been farting around on this one for the past few days and Just wanted to crank it out.  It his a wolf type Net Navi from Megaman Battle Network!  I wrecked my head a bit on the design, it ended up being a little darker than I originally wanted.  But I really like the end result!  (I know you read this blog so I hope you like it dude! :D!)  It was originally supposed to be a bit bigger of a project, but I kept getting hung up on silly little details so I just finished this up like this and will likely add on to it at a later date.  I also played around with different outline colors for the main outline.  It gave it a really different feel and I kind of like it.  Usually i would just "ink" in black, but perhaps i should play with other colors a bit more.

I still however, still have problems with with creating things for other people...  I touched on this briefly on a previous blog.  I thought a great way to get over this is to simply do more stuff for people.  I don't know exactly how I will go about doing this, but the more I do, the more I will get used to it.  Just a random thought.  We'll see what happens.

Lastly, VILPPU!!!  I ran a search on the family PC and found my vilppu videos!  I must have thrown them on there for some random reason and completely forgot,  but I have them back!!!  I just finished up what was left of chapter 3.  I am happy.

It's really late and I started getting really sleepy halfway through this thing so i'm gonna go to sleep.  But things are much better than the last few posts.

I really want to get a few of my old things back up and running on this blog like the monster girl challenge, more figure studies, analyzing my favorite art styles etc.  But like i said, its late and im sleepy. so till next time!

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