Saturday, August 17, 2013

Aug. 15, 2013 - Left handed day and cookies

So I missed the Left Handed day which was Aug 13.  I usually like to do a thing for left hand day but I completely forgot.  So I did it today!

As terrible as I am with my left hand, I can still see how my training has payed off.  While these figures are by no means perfect, they still have some kind of shape to them.  This was an interesting few sketches.

So... I had the entire night set aside for drawing right?...  Well, shaunzy introduced me to the dumbest freakin game ever that literally consumed my entire free time for the past few days...  I think I've just about done everything there is to do in it, but oh man haha!!  It was fun while it lasted! 

Cookie Clicker

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