Sunday, September 1, 2013

Aug. 31, 2013 - Gestures and Falling Mermaids

So, i actually did a bunch of gestures today.  Good job me!  I counted, it was 84.  The last few, I was in a skype call.  My creative brain usually completely shuts down when in a skype call, but this time i managed to actually get a lot done.  Good job me again!  84 is currently my most for a single day.

Aaand a falling Mermaid.
Because why not. Who said a mermaid couldn't fall?  HUH!?
Again, I used little reference on this one, and ended up being rather pleased with it!

And here is a picture I did for my buddy Raz.
It's a character of his.  Thought it was rushed a bit, I think it turned out alright.  Maybe the head is a little big, that's why I'm not liking it a whole lot.  Both that, and I'm not too great at heads and details.  But it's all part of progress!  Gotta keep moving forward!  Gotta practice practice practice!

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