Sunday, September 1, 2013

Aug. 30, 2013 - Why so many Gestures?

Another pretty busy day, got some gestures in though.  *high fives self*

Before i end this post I'd like to touch a bit on why I'm doing so many of so many of these seemingly pointless gestures/sketches of the human form.  I'm sure I've touched on it briefly in earlier posts but i'm in a typing mood so lets give it a go again!  The point of these exercises is to learn.  To be more specific, to learn proportions and form.  The end result is to hopefully be able to QUICKLY and ACCURATELY draw the human figure without having to sit and wonder if proportions are correct.  I want it to be 2nd nature.  Like walking, blinking, or breathing.  I want the ability to just quickly map out a characters position and get right to the nitty gritty stuff.  FORM is a thing i am still learning.  But understanding form really brings things together to create an accurate 3d representation in a 2d space.

True, there are many other things to learn.  But I am an animator at heart.  Animation is naturally a very slow process.  If i can learn to quickly and accurately draw what i need for the animation, that could significantly decrease the time it takes to create them.  That way every frame I wont be sitting around wondering if the proportions look correct.

My goal is to one day move my main focus from these gestures to small animated clips as exercise.  But one step at a time, one step at a time.  Less talking more drawing!  Need to keep up my training!  MORE TRAINING!  MORE TECHNIQUE!

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