Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sept. 11, 2013 - Spider Girl, Best of August & Limiting growth

Spider Girl YEA!

Not to bad! I like how this one turned out.  Although i just remembered that spiders have 8 legs... right? XD  Well this one has 4 :P!

ALSO I finally managed to compile the best gestures of August.  I looked through all of my gestures and pulled the best 5 from each set.

(Edit They look so tiny, why do they look so tiny!?  I'll make them bigger later)
Of all the ones I did, I feel the most proud of these.  I tried to AT LEAST pick 5 from each set.  The ones on the right were a few extras that I thought were rather nice also.  It's kind of a benchmark of how "good" I can be.  Kiiind of.

But anyway, it's hard to not look at these and not feel that I have accomplished something.  Not necessarily on JUST the one month time period, but just looking at how far I have come especially in understanding just what exactly it is that I am looking at.

((It's late again, but i'll try to explain this the best i can.  If I am unclear i may retouch on it at a later date.))
When looking through all of these I was reminded of the thing I have been telling myself sense I started this whole journey.  That is the whole "small steps" mentality.  Now, I still completely agree with that, and it has really helped get me to where I am today, but the thought crossed my mind.  What if this small step mentality had been limiting something that would have otherwise been a much larger step?  What if, for example, I was studying heads and had my mind so set on a "small" improvement that I could have been fooling my brain into thinking I wasn't capable of having a larger improvement.  This kind of throws back to the topic from a previous post about fear of success and subconsciously throwing a wrench in my gears because I'm not "used to" or "scared" of success.  While i still believe that this "baby steps" idea is the best way to go about it, I'm gonna try tweaking my way of thinking to perhaps allow more than those tiny steps if I am able.  (this is hard to explain XD)  Accept all improvements, not just the little ones.  Learn to give myself the flexibility to accept all ranges of improvements.  Something like that.

Also, I need to Vilppu again.  After re-reading the last post it felt like I had completely forgot he existed.  Vilppu is one of the most valuable source of information I have at the moment, I need to utilize it better.  Maybe if i got sticky notes and just plastered my work area with "FREAKIN VILPPU!" I'd get it through my head.

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