Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Two Steps Back Update

So, I've decided to take 2 steps back.

A while back I wanted to set my art as my main focus.  However, the more I move forward, the more these other unfinished projects are poking me in the side.   Sooo....  I, almost regretfully, take two steps back to try to wrap up these other projects before fully devoting myself to my studies.  As stated many times in this blog, my ability to focus is absolutely terrible, and recently a lot of that focus has been pulled towards many other areas with things that may or may not be happening in the near future...  With those factors, I feel as though I am spreading myself a bit too thin.  The blog isn't going to be abandoned, but my main focus will be to finish off these other things so I don't have to worry about them anymore.  To be honest, I just want this month to be over, and even more so, this year.  A lot of things are going on.  Just gonna have to wait it out.  But for now, need to stay focused.  Keep moving forward.

I had a thing to say about limiting my growth, but i'll talk about that next time so i'll have a thing to talk about next time I do pretty pictures.  I was looking at all my sketches from last month.  I'll get that done by tomorrow and discuss all the goodness!

Edit:  I HAVE, however, been making some decent progress on that game thing I've been working on which excites me.

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