Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept, 29, 2013 - Gestures and Sketch Books.

Ya know.
When I was doing these I had that feeling of "These are not good."  When I finished the and was looking over them, they weren't as bad as thought they were.  I need to stop doing that.  I did just finish playing a few rounds of Starcraft 2 and lost miserably...  So I think that might have had a thing to do with it also.  Even still.  Certainly not the worst I've done.  And once again it has been a while sense I did these so they're a bit rusty as well.  I'm really feeling the need to return to my vilppu again.  I keep saying that...  Let's see if I can do something about it  by the next blogpost.

The people I follow always say it's important to keep drawing traditionally in a sketchbook.  So I went to look at my old sketchbooks and I have so many NEW UNUSED sketchbooks!?  Why on earth do I have so many new unused sketchbooks you might ask?  Well, I always felt that I wasn't good enough to draw in them!  It's the silliest thing ever.  So i just kind of collected the things to one day get good enough to draw in them.  Sketchbooks are meant to be used to draw/write anything and everything.  The way I kind of blocked them off as something I need to be good enough to use is pure silliness.  So I'm gonna try picking up traditional drawing once again.  The unfortunate thing is that it will be much harder to get those pictures onto this blog....  I'll try my best to do so, but if it ends up being too much trouble I might just leave it off.  The studies will more than likely be similar to what i am currently doing.  But we'll see what happens.  More on sketchbooks at a later date.  Till then...


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