Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sept. 28, 2013 - Demon Girl, Animation Past, and Creative Future.

Another Monster Girl.  Demon girl is done!
Not the best ya know, but not bad for not using any reference.

Many don't really know, but growing up I was really into Stop Motion animation.  Stop Motion is a type of animation that takes several pictures of an object and gives it the illusion of movement, think the old Gumby cartoons.  Way back when I used to do stop motion animations, I always had a very particular mind set when doing them.  That was simply to create a thing for myself and myself only.  Well more than half of those animations were created for the sole purpose of making a silly thing that would make me laugh.  There were one or two people I would share them with that would get a kick out of them, but for the most part it was just for myself.  The ideas would consist of just about anything i could think of.  This was some years before I ever had the internet (or even computer) and the video camera I used to create these things on was literally falling apart and had no battery.  I seemingly created these things for the sole purpose of just creating silly things that made me laugh.

Much like my entire creative mind, this too was an attribute that had been lost over the years.  However,  This past week, my brother and I were digging for some old Ninja Turtle toys to reminisce on the "good ol days"  We grew up with very little.  We never had the biggest nor the best, but we did have the essentials.  I think it is because we had so little back then that my creativity really began to take off.  I'd like to talk a bit more about that but I'm getting a bit off topic here.  (and it's freakin late again and I'm tired XP)  Back on topic!  So after a lot of searching we finally managed to dig up his bag of ninja turtles.  We brought them inside, set them up, and farted around like a bunch of old folks for a while.

Then it happened again, just looking at all the old toys I got probably half a dozen silly ideas for dumb things that would make me laugh.  This isn't the first time this has happened since my "return to the arts"  but it certainly was the first time it has happened and I made the connection between my old reasoning for creating things.  That's simply to just create things that I enjoy.  Granted, I'm a bit older than I was back then, and many people still give me the "What the hell are you doing" look when I try to explain this entire art thing to them; but I have confidence that I'm going in the right direction.  I am more certain about that now than I have ever been in my life.

Amidst the silly naysayers, it never ceases to amaze me that people legitimately enjoy my silly creations (even this blog).  This fact has been a strong driving force over the past few years.  Now that I am gaining better understanding of why I did things in the past and knowing what I have learned in recent time,  My excitement for my future grows!

I heard a quote recently that I liked and I'll end this blog with that.  Though, I dont remember exactly how it went, and google doesn't seem to be of much help, I'll type it the best I can remember: 

"People around will often ask why you are doing what you do.
Then when you reach success...
They will ask how you did what you did."

I like to think that perhaps one day that will be me.  I don't want a lot.  But if I'm able to create things, put smiles on peoples faces, and still keep the lights on.  My life would be complete.

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