Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nov. 1, 2013 - Where to start?

While this isn't the "BIG ART PUSH!" i was wanting to go for, somethings better than nothing.  More on that after the sketches!

These sketches were done 2 min each.  I want to slow down my times a bit so i can have a better grasp of the images I am drawing.  For not having done anything in a while, I'm pretty pleased with these.  There are two in particular that I can do some improvement on, 4th on top, and 5th on bottom.  But the others turned out pretty nice.  And even the ones i'm not super happy with, i like some parts of them.

So about that big art push I've been wanting to do.  I have decided to hold off on that for another week or so.  Things have been pretty busy around here lately, and there are 2 other things I would really like to finish.  They are really close to completion and I think I'll be able to knock those out relatively soon so I am shooting for that.

In the meantime, I've decided to just fill in what I can when I can.  If i cant sit down and do the hours of study I want to do, there's no reason I shouldn't at least get a little in. 

...but where to start??
While this hasn't been much of a problem for me lately, the thought had crossed my mind.  "Where to start?"  "I haven't drawn in a while, where/ how/ when do I pick up again?"  It brings me back to the time when that really was a big problem for me.  The simple answer... Start anywhere!  Pick up the pencil/ pen/ tablet and just have at it!  You'll never get anywhere if you don't pick it up and just do it!  So freakin start anywhere and just push yourself.  (you as in reader, or you as in me when im reading this later)  Find a thing you like or enjoy and just do that.  Give yourself permission to not be good!  It's ok to not be good.  Everybody is not good at things, it's those who push forward are the ones that prevail!  ...or so I have been told.  But I'm convinced it's true.  I'll end this post with a new favorite quote of mine. 

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