Friday, November 22, 2013

Nov. 21, 2013 - Figures, Zombie Girl 2.0, and Vilppu Notes/ Studying

Another pretty busy day, but I did a thing!
Started off by with some non-timed figure drawings.
I'm trying to further grasp the idea of the human figure. Practice practice practice! and the like.

 Zombie Girl 2.0

 I wasn't super happy with how things turned out on yesterday's Zombie Girl, so I thought I'd give it another go.  I tried doing simple edits tot he original image but I could never manage to get it to look right.  So I scrapped the whole thing and gave it another go.  While I don't think it's perfect, i must say it is better than the original.

Lastly, I wanted to touch on copying Vilppu and why I think it's important to copy things when you don't fully understand it.  When doing the Vilppu studies, i try to take as many notes as I can.  Either things that he said directly or ideas that come to mind when watching one of his lectures.  EVEN IF I don't understand it, i try to copy it to the best of my ability.  Why is this?  Why even bother if i don't know what's going on?  Simple answer,  just because I don't understand something, doesn't mean that I will never understand it.  The closest example of this was the concept of the spherical forms.  First time watching that lecture, my brain was mush.  I didn't grasp the concept, but I kept on.  I kept watching the lecture, and I kept taking notes.  I continued to study the notes and even watched the lecture a few times.  Then it just clicked.  It wasn't all at once, and it wasn't all in the same day, but I was able to finally understand the material because of repetition and "copying" the tools vilppu gave me, even though I did not understand them.

Going even farther back, and in completely different context, a very similar thing happened in a physics class I took way back in high school.  It was a math class.  I have never been good at math.  In fact, quite the opposite.  I have always been terrible at math.  However, this time, I made sure to copy absolutely everything the teacher did on the board.  I didn't understand everything right away, but let me tell you, it sure helped with how I learn things. 

So if you dont understand something, take notes.  Then return to them regularly.  You'd be surprised what you could learn by consistency!

It's late again, I'm off to bed.  Busy day again tomorrow so I'll at least try to finish up some Vilppu and get some figure drawings in.

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