Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nov. 20, 2013 - 75 figure drawings!? - Zombie Girl

I think this has to be some kind of record for one day.  75!  Jeeze!  I was aiming for 100 but but it started to get pretty late.

The first 50 were 1 min sketches.

The next 25 were done 2 min each.

These were pretty good, but I really started to lose focus on the last 5 there.  It was pretty late when I got to those, but I at least made more than I usually do.

And the Zombie Girl

I wanted to give her a different feeling/emotion than my others.  Usually I go for cheery and happy, so I thought why not try one a little less cheery?  I almost feel sorry for her.  She's a zombie, but doesn't fully understand why people run from her in terror.  Oh that poor gal.

Considering how busy today was, I'm honestly very surprised I was able to cram in as much as I did.  Usually on such days I'd just push it off till the next day.  I think this says a bit about how much I'm able to push myself, even if it is just a little.

Another busy day tomorrow, but I'll see what I can get done.  Aiming on revisiting Vilppu chapter 2 and more sketches.  We'll see what happens!

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