Friday, November 29, 2013

Nov. 28, 2013 - Holiday's Over, Sketches, Figure Drawings & Insect Girl

Oh man, so that break I wanted to take ended up preparing for Thanksgiving haha oh jeeze.

All of that's over and I just wanted to draw a bit before bed.  Here are the sketches sketches.
I found an old sketchbook of mine and it was filled with Nona, so i figured I'd try to draw her...  oh dear.  Normally i wouldn't share these, but this blog is about all that stuff so here ya go!

For the Monster Girl challenge, Insect Girl:
I know almost nothing about drawing insects, so this one was a bit of a challenge.  I kept the pose pretty basic, not sure how much I like it, but it's not terrible.

Figure Drawings:
Some of these turned out pretty alright, but I got pretty tired towards the end there.

Overall, not the best day, but this was at the end of a busy day.
I'm off to bed.

Let's shoot for a better day tomorrow!

Edit:  I've also been thinking about going ahead and starting up that art vlog thing.  Typing this here so i can remember to talk about that next blog entry.

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