Thursday, January 9, 2014

Jan. 08, 2014 - An Update

Where have I been!?  I had such big plans then seemingly fell off the face of the earth...  Well, to say I have had a rough past few weeks would be a bit of an understatement.  I don't know what it is exactly that set off a this chain of bad luck.  It literally has been one thing after another.  I already tried writing this blog once before but it ended up getting a bit emotional for me and had to leave it unfinished and unpublished.  I'll throw that original blog at the end of this for the curious.  I will not be proof reading it, it is as it is.  Here's a summary of what's been up.

Our dog had puppies,
1. Some weeks later, after giving most of them away one of the puppies contracted Parvo (A deadly dog virus)
2. After a few days of staying up with the puppy, it unfortunately didnt make it.
3. Another puppy contracted Parvo, this one however I was able to save (or she saved herself?)
4. Immediately after the puppy showed signs of improvement my tablet pc (HP Tx2000) died on me.  It turns out it was a motherboard problem, fixable but will be a pain  (will update on this when i attempt the fix)  This is what I will have to do.
5. I tried migrating to my PC but after installing my Wacom Graphire4, the PC began having MASSIVE errors.  So I had to pull up my OLD Compaq laptop to use that.
6. After a while of working with the PC I was able to fix the ".dll" errors it was receiving.  However, a few days later it turns out everything I thought was the problem was NOT the problem, it was hard drive failure.  I lost everything...  It was the solid state drive windows was on in my PC.  Everything my last hard drive failure didn't delete is now gone. 
7. A mouse got into our family PC so that is now down.  I haven't the slightest clue what is wrong with it, the power button does absolutely nothing.  I suspect either the power button is broken on the power supply is dead.
8. The one bit of good news I can take away from this is that I was able to salvage an old laptop hard drive to install windows on for my desktop, so now I have a temporary fix for the desktop.  And I tried installing the Wacom Graphire4 on the PC and Compaq and it worked on both this time.  So I'll be able to update the blog again.
9. Not to mention a whole flurry of Youtube policy changes that directly affect me.

And that fills you in with everything that's happened since my last post.


 Needless to say, with all that in mind, the mood for my year is pretty crummy, but I refuse to let all that get me down.  Now that I have means to create again, I need to pull myself together and go at it.  while it does suck that I lost what little I had left, in terms of computer files, I'm looking at this as a 2nd chance. ...  Or 3rd...  I have never been organized, ever after the first failure, I was just scrambling for everything.  Now there is literally nothing to scramble for, all my bookmarks, documents, stories, etc are gone.  Fresh start...?

Anyway, I'm just gonna keep moving forward.  Get back into the routine of things again.  It's a new year, and I really want to get it started out on the right foot.  I will be working on building up my resource folder again as well as daily training sessions.  Here's hoping there is still a chance for my HP Tx2000, I will continue to move on regardless!  NEED TO AMP IT UP!!  MORE POWER MORE TECHNIQUE!

=====Here is the original blog post I didn't finish.=====
Those of you who know me know I am an animal person, so without a doubt, losing the puppy and almost losing another were the hardest bits of my away time.

Dec. 31, 2013. 

""I normally try to avoid purely negative or personal blog posts.  I find them to not really fit what it is that I'm going for with the blog.  However, I also feel that it's important to address all negativity in a positive light or at least acknowledge that it was a thing that happened, pick up the pieces, and move on.  Not to mention through this string of unfortunate events, both my recording/editing computer and my tablet PC are virtually unusable, thus directly effecting this blog for the time being.

Little Bear      

About 2 months ago one of our dogs had puppies.  We nursed them till they were about 6 weeks old before we tried to give them away.  For those who do not know, I am an animal person.  I very much love animals and want nothing but the best for them, so naturally giving puppies away brings some anxiety on if they will all go to good homes or not.  In the end we decided to keep one of the puppies because she was significantly smaller than siblings and we just wanted to make sure that she was big enough to give away.

It didn't take long, but we had eventually given away all the other puppies, but there was one woman that took a puppy in that just didn't sit well with me.  When we talked to her she said that she had lost her previous puppy and she was excited to get a new one.  I didn't even think to ask her how she lost her other puppy at the time, she looked nice enough and I didn't think much of it after that, it was out of our hands.

As time went on we began to become attached to the puppy we held back, we even gave her the name Jewely (spelt that way because we have another dog named Ruby.  RUBY JEWELY GET IT!? HAH!)  She was quick to become part of the family and having to take extra care of her while she learned to eat and drink on her own only made us that much closer.

I'd say it was about 2 weeks later we get a call from the woman we were suspicious about and she was saying that she was unable to take care of the puppy and wanted to bring her back.  Of-course we agreed and later that day she returned the other puppy.  The puppy (now named Little Bear, it was a name we called her before we gave her away so we thought we'd just stick with that) seemed normal enough, at least till she started pooping everywhere.  At first it was normal puppy poops, but then they slowly became more liquidy.  Then it was that very particular smell...  It was Parvo...

Parvo is a VERY dangerous and contagious puppy dog virus that literally eats the inner layer of the intestines of the puppy.  My entire world was shattered, dealing with a puppy with Parvo is the saddest thing I have ever had to deal with.  Over the years I had treated  4 cases of Parvo and have had 2 pull through.  To see a dog go through the stages of parvo is absolutely gut wrenching.  To see the poor little things struggle for life is unbearable...  and here I was having to deal with it again.  Fluids are the most important thing with parvo.  Dehydration is one of the biggest issues with parvo puppies, so it's important to keep the fluids in their system at all costs.

Little Bear stayed by my side every moment of every day she was suffering from parvo.  She got my absolute undivided attention.  It's also very important to keep the puppies moral up so they don't just give up, so I kept talking to her as much as I could just so she could feel comfort.  Every 30 min for the course of 3 days I was giving her fluids, needless to say, my sleep schedule was absolutely destroyed.  I didn't sleep at all.  On the 3rd day, things seemed to be looking up.  The third day of parvo is said to be the worst.  The entire course of the virus lasts about 5 days, so to see little bear doing so well on day 3 was wonderful.  Her vomiting and diarrhea had reduced from every 30 min to roughly every 2 and a half hours.  Things were looking up!  It was pretty late into day 3 when I literally could not keep my eyes open any longer.  I fell asleep for about 2 hours on my bed...  and what I woke up too...  Little Bear had lost all of her strength, and seemingly her will to live.  She was unable to retain any food and she was so weak she could barely walk.  The thoughts running through my mind "How could I have fallen asleep, she was doing so well!" flooded my mind.  I tried absolutely everything I knew to do, but nothing seemed to work.  I continued trying to keep her hydrated as much as I could.  I continued talking to her to boost her moral...  but alas... she continued to fade.  I continued to hydrate her till she could physically drink no more.  I grabbed her poor cold little feet and breathed on them in hopes that warming them would do some good.  I continued talking to her in hopes that my voice would somehow do something.... do anything....  The painful truth began to sink in... There was nothing that I could do.  I continued to speak to her, I don't know why, but I did.  I can tell you right now, there is nothing more soul crushing than the moans of a dieing puppy.  Maybe I talked to her to help her because that was the only thing I knew to do.  But I continued talking.  I continued trying to keep her warm.  As her breath began to fade, so did my talking.  The room was completely silent, almost as if she was waiting for something.  I painfully mutter the words "You'll be ok Little Bear."  and...  there she went...  While I had in fact lost bigger and more important things in my life, I don't ever recall anything hurting quite like this.  I don't know why.

R.I.P. little friend.
(yes, she had one blue eye)

After a moment to clean up and collect my thoughts (what little thoughts I had left) I returned to the other room and held Jewely for a bit.  Wait a minute??  Jewely!?  My heart instantly sank 10 fold.


I sat there holding Jewely completely crushed...  Parvo is extremely contagious...  Jewely is the runt of the litter, I don't want to lose her too.  Instantly my mind is flooded with terrible thoughts.  Feels that somebody flipped a switch and set my brain to full panic mode.  but I HAD to sleep!  I HAD TO!  As much as I wanted to stay up with her while she was still in good health, I absolutely had to get my sleep.  Especially if I am to take on Parvo round 2.

The next day, already Jewely is showing signs...  She became very lethargic and began with the poops.   The thought instantly entered my mind, "she's too little, there's no way she will survive this, should I just take her to the vet now and have her put down so she doesn't have to suffer??"  The thoughts were killing me, I didn't know what to do.  I figured that since I gave Little Bear a chance, I should give Jewely a chance also.  I won't be getting much needed sleep, but I had grown attached to Jewely.  Bottle feeding a little pup will really make her grow on you.

We make it through the first day relatively fine, her poops are getting pretty gross and the terrible smell of parvo filled the air once again...  It was, however, the 2nd day that something verry peculiar happened.  I had been up all night with her insuring she was hydrated.  Then about noonish I hear her drinking something.  I thought she was drinking water so I walk over to the dogs bowl and she wasn't there.  I still hear her drinking but I haven't a clue where she is or what she is drinking.  After a bit of searching, I find her drinking mop water!?  I ju...  What??  Why on earth was she drinking mop water???  I immediately become concerned that she would get bleach poisoning or whatever it is that happens when someone/something drinks bleach.  "Great, this is just what I needed..." I thought to myself.  I decided to just keep an eye on her (as I was anyway) to see if anything strange happens.  I have no idea what to expect, I've never dealt with bleach poisoning before.  Day 2 continues to as a normal day2 parvo would, lots of poop, but surprisingly no vomit at all.  I'd say it was about 7:00PMish when things took a turn for the strange.  Jewely was in a very playful mood??  How is this even possible you are... what??  I can't explain it at all.  Needless to say, I took advantage of this and we had a grand ol time.  Could it have been the bleach in the mop water??  Could it have REALLLY been the bleach???  Bleach is said to be the only thing that kills parvo, you're supposed to clean up after your parvo puppy with bleach, but she drank it from the mop water?? what?  I was still a bit cautious and didn't want to get my hopes up.  I just, I don't even know what to think at this point.  Jewely was feeling fine so I went ahead and went to sleep.  Day 3 is said to be the hardest, so i'm gonna need all the sleep I can get if I want to take care of her.

Day 3 I wake up and she's lethargic again.  No vomit, very very little diarrhea all day.  I continue keeping her hydrated as normal just in case.

And Day 4 she's better??  She's still not very good at eating hard foods yet, but I wake up and hear her munching on dog food and just as well as could be.  I do a little more research on this bleach incident and it turns out that some people actually use bleach to treat dogs with parvo!?  Not surprisingly, everybody that commented on such a tactic was completely against the idea.  It's insane!  It's like Jewely accidentally saved herself!  My mind was blown, and still is blown.

I don't think it's humanly possible for a puppy could possibly receive more hugs and kisses.

Currently don't have my camera so I cant get the pictures off
I have better pictures on the camera, but this is her derpin in the background to the right.
The other two were Little Panda (left) and Mr. Fuzzles (middle)""

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