Sunday, August 26, 2018


A nice long night in studies!!  Started out with some 1 min studies.

Then I did some of these 3 pose studies where I trace the first image, draw the 2nd image by looking at it, then drew the 3rd by removing all the reference.

Had this little guy show up randomly...  He got pretty upset about a shopping list.

Then somebody stopped by wanting me to draw this character.  So i did.  but he disappeared.  hahaha  Dont even remember the characters name XD  But I did it!

Really liking this streaming thing so far.  A huge reason I wanted to start streaming was to help with the focus.  Many many streamers I've seen insist that streaming has drastically helped their drawing focus.  And I can say that throughout the few days I've been doing it; that's certainly the case!!

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