Wednesday, August 29, 2018

DrawABox Lesson 1 Part 3 - Boxes

Interesting mix of these.  The first part of this lesson definitely felt like I basically have it down pretty solidly.  DrawABox man made some really good points in this lesson though that completely turned what i thought about the box on it's head.  I was always a bit confused on exactly how the vanishing point worked and always thought it had to ALWAYS fall on the horizon.  That's not the case. That's not the case at all.  Years of repeating very similar perspective lessons but all of them always made it sound that the vanishing points were always on the horizon.  It's gonna take me a while to gain a better understanding of what's going on with proper perspective, but this was by far the best lesson I've ever had on the topic.  Much more studying will have to be done.  But this was a great lesson.  Very good stuff.

First portion of this was to do a simple ruler study.  Boxman talked said not to get too comfortable with this method, that we'll be doing more freehand work in the future.  How it will help your understanding of perspective far more if you do it free hand.

And that's exactly what this next bit was
Free hand lesson:

The idea was to draw the boxes in 3d and try to eyeball the lines to the vanishing point.  After we drew our boxes we were to take a line and double check how close we got to the vp.  Very interesting study.  I have so much to learn in this area...  A very humbling lesson on where exactly i stand on the perspective meter.

Stupid Sphere:
This one we focused on trying to draw cubes around the surface of a sphere.  He gave a good explanation on how to do it and a great example in a video.  Im actually really happy with how this one turned out.  He said how he didnt expect first timers to do very well on this one that it's more of a test in pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to actually do the lesson and get things done.  Very good stuff.

Then the last one was to draw a cube flipping in space.

Man i really loved this lesson.  It really opened my eyes to a lot of different aspects and areas that I need to work on.  Ofcourse it sucks that Im not better than i actually am...  But hey, at least i know areas i need to work on in the future. 

Thanks a bunch boxman!

Next stop, 250 box challenge!!!!

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