Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2, 2014 - Depression

Has it really been almost a month since the last update?  Jeeze.
Well, I figured I might as well get this one off my chest so here goes.  I've been avoiding the word depression for a while now but it really feels that there is no going around it.  The way things have been lately in my personal life have really taken a tole on my confidence not only in myself but just in my future in general.  As though a "perfect storm" of sorts has slowly been brewing over the past few years has just hit right as I thought things were truly beginning to look up (which only fuels my frustration because it actually felt like I was going somewhere).  This isn't of-course to imply that I won't go anywhere, it's just hard to stay focused... when focus has always been the thing I've never managed to keep and all these problems... ech.  It legitimately feels like other people are stomping all over my dreams, and that's not a good feeling at all.  I wish i could go into more detail with all this, but I think it would be in my best interest if I just kinda left it at that.

Despite everything that's going on, I want this to be a good month.  Just need to push myself a bit more.

and here's a silly gif.

You're welcome.

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