Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014 - Cleanup, Animation, & It's ok to be Depressed

(I kinda moved things around this blog post, so pardon me if things might sound a little out of order)

During my little depression, I have returned to the cleanup!  There are many things that are still out of place and have been needing to fix up, so instead of sitting around like a lump, I took the initiative to take care of some long needed tasks.  I found that when I'm feeling down, I need to give myself things to do, and cleanup always seems to cheer me up a lot.  And one of the things that have been bothering me is my lack of animations.  So I jumped up and finished another NCS Animated just in time for NCS's Birthday on April 5th!  

Yea it's not my best work, and yea there were some things i probably could have done better, but I got it done.  Another check off the list.  Also, NCS saw it, and he really liked it, so that was some nice icing on the cake.

Ya know.  It's ok to be depressed.
Especially when things have taken a turn for the worst (or at least for what ever you believe is the worst)  One of my biggest qualms with society is it's strong discouragement from feeling very real and very basic human emotions.  Depression being one of them. (along with other "smaller" emotions like sadness, despair , or even some very positive emotions like happiness or joy... that's an entirely different topic of its own)  

While depression is definitely not a thing that anybody really wants to have on their "to do list" I think it can really speak volumes about your personality and how much you legitimately feel about a situation.  It is a strong negative feeling, but I think, much like any other emotion, we should let it's have it's moment instead of fighting it off.  Fighting it only creates more discomfort from our current discomfort.  The whole "I'm angry because I'm angry" "why is that?" "Because I'm angry" argument.  It can turn into a very powerful downward spiral that will only lead things to a very nasty place.

It's like denying yourself the ability to be human.  While I do believe there are some cases where depression can become become a bit too much to handle and might need further help if the situation is severe enough, but I do think many cases can be helped by just letting it run it's course and understanding that "Hey, yea, I am depressed, and this is the problem." then just continuing to look forward.  The quote "Not everything lasts forever" comes to mind, and that certainly applies negative things as well.

Just gotta stay strong and press on!

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