Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 22, 2014 - Feline Girl

Monster girl thing.
Feline Girl!
I drew the character Miss Fortune from, Skull Girls.  While I was happy with this one, I think it looks a bit too much like the reference material that I used.  I might end up redoing it one day, but as of now I like it.

Random quote I found.

Don’t worry about being original, she said dismissively. Yes, everything’s been written, but also, the thing you want to write, before you wrote it, was impossible to write. Otherwise it would already exist. You writing it makes it possible.
—  Alexander Chen

Not exactly drawing related, but I'd like to bend it out of context a bit to make it fit.  I think the same thing could be said about any art form in general.  Your art was impossible until YOU create it.  Otherwise it would already exist.  Thinking about art in this way really does the entire concept of creation, regardless of the quality.  It was IMPOSSIBLE till you created it.  Which even makes our failures stand out as somewhat of an accomplishment. 

Lastly, I also saw an interesting 2 part video series on Leonardo DaVinci and other artists were "Losers" or not always successful.
It's worth a look. (they are each about 5 min long)

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