Friday, April 25, 2014

April 24, 2014 - Huge Gaming Cutback. (No art)

I have hinted towards it and played around with the idea in my head for many months now...  But I've finally decided to cut back on my gaming.

While my gaming in general had taken a huge cut because of real life events, it's come to my attention that gaming in general has done little to no good in helping achieve my goal as an artist.  I used to proudly consider myself a gamer with perhaps slightly above average abilities...  But I feel this time has passed. 

I wont be giving it up completely, but I will be limiting myself to at most, an hour a day (or none if at all possible).  I have learned a lot through gaming, but I need to redirect my focus and hang up the gamer hat.  (AT LEAST TILL SMASH BROS COMES OUT ON THE WIIU LOOLOLOLO)

The question that it all really boils down to is...  How badly do I want this whole art thing to work?  I still feel as though all the odds are stacked against me.  I have to give it my all, and unfortunately my favorite pastime has been the biggest obstacle in my progress.

More on this at a later date.
Till then...

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