Thursday, November 29, 2012

45 Second Sketches EXCITEMENT

I don't get gesture drawings.  Something about it just doesn't click in my head.  And I'm not entirely sure what it is about gesture drawings that just doesn't make any sense.  I mean, I GET it, and understand how it can help and the purpose behind them and how it's important to do them.  But...

The Vilppu guy said to do 2 minute gesture drawings.   I tried this, and just about went insane from my lack of understanding.  However, the guy over at Ctrl Paint website said to do 45 second gesture drawings.  So rather than ripping my hair out for not fully understanding something, I took the 45 second route.  While I don't yet understand how to do them correctly, gesture drawings are a very important part to loosening up and understanding stuff better....  Or so I'm told.  Much like my opinions on other topics regarding this blog, I will take their word for it.  These people know INFINITELY more about art than myself, so my fate is in their hands.

I tried to take what I learned and just went at it full force.  More thoughts on tonights session after the sketches.

After the sketches, I can see more life in some of these!  I could feel it while I was drawing.  That I had a much stronger idea of what I was doing.  Or at least...  I felt that way.  Maybe my eyes are just playing tricks on me, but some of these I am very proud of.  I feel my direction is still a bit scattered.  But I am very VERY pleased!  Small improvement yes, but an improvement nonetheless.  To say I'm excited is an understatement.  But I musn't get ahead of myself.  But perhaps I'll live in the clouds for a bit.

**Edit**  After a bit of thought, I have decided to take the liberty to take the gesture drawings that I think turned out the best and pasted them all together on one sheet.  These are not more drawings, but just my favorites of the above sketches.  They have a very different sense of vitality to them that I think really sets them apart from the rest.

BUT  It appears to be 3AM again...  I really should stop doing these so late.  But oh man.
I need to keep up the training!!

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