Thursday, November 15, 2012

Crunch time!

LOOK AT THE TIME!  Next animation deadline is creeping up on me faster than I thought!

As i look at the clock I realize i have even less time than I though.  I'm trying to take what I have learned from my recent studies and trying to apply them to this animation.

Here is a single incomplete frame from early in the animation.
Tomorrow I'm set to help out with a 24 hour livestream, (friday and saturday time)  Saturday family get together thing.  Saturday Night Wii-u camp out.  If i can find a place that isn't packed already, though I've heard they wont be doing a midnight release, so we'll see what happens.  Camping is my only option on getting a Wii-U at this point. 

Long story short, free time isn't on my side.
I did, however, spend an unusually long amount of time livestream and actually learned a lot from a few talented artists!  One of them (ID) told me of this DVD set that I think could really help throw me in the right direction.

He was kind enough to show me a tiny bit of it, and I want more!  It really helped to put into perspective the ideas behind gesture drawings and the elusive action lines I was reading about the other day.

Another one I met (SiG) was telling me a bit about some really amazing comics from uhhh.. France I think he said (It's really late I'll correct this if I am wrong)
One of them that really stuck in my mind was the "Sky Doll" comic.  The colors are so vibrant and amazing!  Bright colors are no doubt something that I want to incorporate into my cartoons.

There was somebody else, but I cant seem to find her link!  I'll have to hunt through my history to dig up her name.  She had quite a few tutorials on her youtube channel that I'll have to check out.

It's always fun to learn of other artists and to learn from them, even if it's simply by observing.  There is so much wisdom and knowledge out there, it feels as though I haven't even scratched the surface.  I guess that's my advice to other artists.  Don't be afraid to look externally for help or understanding.  That was my biggest mistake before I had quit.  I didn't listen to others.  Although, now that I type I am reminded that there are in fact people that you really don't want to listen to... hmm...  I guess it's all a matter of knowing who means to help you, or hurt you.  WHICH IS ANOTHER TOPIC ENTIRELY OF ITS OWN.

But alas, as I've said before, I guess you could say it's better to learn late than never. 

OH WAIT, quick note before I end this blog.  Because of the business of this weekend, I may not have the usual studies that I have been doing.  I'll still try to update, at least with screenshots from that animation to carry you over till the next study session.

Also, here is a link to SiG's and ID's art blog:
There may be a few images that might offend some people... but it's art stuff, it's the nature of the territory. 
Thanks again for tolerating this silly dude in your streams.

Now sleep, long stream tomorrow.


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