Saturday, November 24, 2012

Negative Space & vilppu

Animation update, all major portions are complete.  I completely redid the audio and sound effects.
And I Should be well on my way to having it completed tomorrow (and uploaded on monday)  Here's hoping it's all smooth sailing from here!

Finally managed to get ahold of the Vilppu dvds (Thanks again to ID for telling me about these dvds) and tried to give them a go.  Soon into it I realized it was a bit late and was only going in one ear and out the other, so I only did a little.  These will no doubt help with my future studies.  I can really see how having a full grasp of gesture drawings can increase my productivity and help my understanding.

While doing some of these gesture studies, I somehow felt like doing some negative space drawings.
I don't know why, but I did.  SO BAM!
Negative Space:

I'm really seeing some improvements in my proportions and overall figure understanding.  This pleases me.  Although, the first few were a bit... uhh.. yea.

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