Friday, November 23, 2012

Holiday and Frustration

Where do these holidays come from, I tell ya.

The Thanksgiving holiday literally snuck up on me this year.  We ended up doing things a little bit different this year which lead us to celebrate  it on two separate days.  This combined with frustration towards my artwork has lead me to making very little progress on everything.

Originally this animation was meant to be completed on Tuesday, and as the days go on, I become increasingly uneasy from it taking so long.

HOWEVER, with all that being said, I've managed to scrape on by with continued work on the animation.  I think the artistic frustration is merely the side effect of the other issues I have been dealing with.  Every complaint I have about my artwork can be sorted out with further studies and training.

Hopefully with the holidays out of the way I can clear my mind, get in a good groove and finish up this animation.  I must stay focused!

But first i sleep.  (staying up till 4:30am is a bad idea)

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