Friday, November 23, 2012

Return of the Studies

Since I started working on my animation and halted my studies, I have had a very strange since of longing.  Like something has been missing.  I attempted to ignore these feelings to continue work on the animation and of-course focus on holiday stuff.  However, my since of yearning continued to intensify.  Like a part of me was missing.  It was almost as though it was a form of emotional pain.  Like I had turned my back on a portion of myself I have always wanted.

I think it must be the neglect on my newly found desire to improve my artwork.

I finished of the night by returning to my studies.  I feel at ease.

After searching the Sig's and IDs blog, I stumbled onto a rather nice art resource that is ran by a guy who does professional video game concept design.
Here is a link:
The guy gives some really sound advice and I am glad to add this to my list of resources. I attempted to put together a bit of what I used in these body studies.  Again, i was focusing on shapes, and understanding as much of what I have learned as possible.

Body Studies:
I don't have a mirror on hand to try what Mokuu suggested I do with faces, but I did manage to find an old face resource thing on deviantart that will no doubt be helpful at a later date.

Because of how late i started these I only managed to pull off a few images.  The more I study faces, the more I see the need to understand how it works.  I need to study the muscles and bone structure in more detail.
Face Studies:

Lastly, here is another early still from the animation.  I have a more complete version of this scene, but you'll have to wait till it's finished to see it :P

I learned a lot about colors with the guy on the right.  Some day I'll need to dedicate more time to learning proper color theory.

As I think back, I cant help but wonder why it is exactly that studies give me such a since of accomplishment, while animating seems to do the opposite.  Especially since animating has always been a huge part of my life, where as studies are rather new.  Then again, so is this desire to learn new art things.

I best not ask questions.  I'm just happy to be drawing again.  I'm sure everything will fall into place.  Perhaps when I have a better understanding of shapes, lines, and other things, I should shift my focus to animation studies.


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