Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 29, 2013 - TAILS!

Not really in an artsy mood, I forced myself to do a thing.
Freakin love tails.

After doing the Pikachu picture, I knew i wanted to do a similar tails picture, so why not :D!
Super pleased with this one.

Tomorrow, more training.
or filler till i can do normal training, we'll see what happens.

Edit -- poot, just noticed i forgot his tails...  oh silly me.   Will add it tomorrow. or something, who knows.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 24, 2013 - Nice Day

I want to start working towards a style I like.  So i drew these cool dudes in a style!
Then the sketches.

 The first round looked a bit stiff, but the 2nd looked more lively.  These were all 1 min sketches from  I tried to keep some ideas of form in mind.

A friend said to draw spiderman or he would kill everyone.
I took what I learned about forms and threw thew all of that into this.  Kinda pleased with the results.

Then Sir Pika happened.

I needed a new picture for my Facebook (Doggy080) and Tumblr (Doggyzart).

Pretty good art day overall.  No boxes, but training was done.
I wanted to do more but things are getting a bit late.  More tomorrow!

Monday, June 24, 2013

June 23, 2013 - Hate Boxes & Physics Lesson

Hate boxes.  I hate box forms, I uuugh...
I have never been able to draw boxes in 3d space.  This is a very important thing and I am absolutely terrible at it.  I suppose the same could be said about gestures... the same can be said about forms...  but oh man.... boxes.  I will really reaaaaallllly dont like boxes. 
Now...  With that being said, I am not discouraged from giving it my all.  If your gonna start somewhere it might as well be on rock bottom.  While there is in fact a part of me that just wants to run from the box, I know that doing that will do no good.  I remember a very important lesson I learned in my old high school physics class.  That was simply "If you never study it, you will never learn it."  Of-course it was referring to studying the new material in the class, but that lesson really stuck with me and has been a key point here in this blog.  I was afraid of the human figure, I was afraid of the gesture, I was afraid of the spherical forms.  While I am definitely no master in any of those area, I now at least have at least a basic understanding of them all.  Boxes will be no different.  BRING IT ON BOXES!

Now for another character of mine.
This guy is what i called a "Native Bot"  He was part of a robot race that thrived in lush forests.  Like a crazy plant robot hybrid thing!  These guys were among the last few things I made before I stopped all art things prior, but I really like their design and their "mystical" nature.

Till next time.
Training training training!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 22, 2013 - So I drew.

After a night of babysitting, all I wanted to do was draw...
And so I did... for 5 hours...

The first 3 were in flash and the others in photoshop.

I am SUPER pleased with the amount of time I was able to focus on art tonight.  It's super late and im super tired, but here they are!
Worth noting, the several figure studies on the right were all missing legs, so I did some of my own.

And ghost spawn with wings showed up.  And one got colored.
I'm not sure if I like the coloring job on the one I colored, so here is what i had before I colored.
and here are the figure poses of the few i added the clothes layer too.

If I can keep up focus like I did tonight.  WOW.  Huge pat on the back there me.  You did a swell job.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 21, 2013 - Have a Goal.

The more I continue my studies, the more I am learning why having a goal of some kind is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL.  It really gives me something to work towards and gives me some kind of progression meter. 

I noticed there are definitely right and wrong ways to go about setting goals.  When I was younger, I would always try to stay away from goals because I would always set very hard or impossible art goals that would discourage me from doing the very thing it was supposed to help me get better at.  Drawing.

My goals are simply to draw more, and continue my studies.  If life gets in the way, dont make a big deal out of it, continue when I can, but always continue.  I'll talk more about this when it's not so late again.  In the meantime, here are the sketches!  These were 1 min long sketches.

I wasn't too thrilled with these.  I think I lost my grip on forms a bit, so I went back to watch Vilppu chapter 2 one more time.  I took a few notes again...  But I noticed something rather peculiar.

My circles looked pretty nice! haha, so i did a ton of those and played a bit around with forms.  I think the random form studies turned out rather nice also.  I actually learned a thing or two from them.
Among the random forms, this thing was born.  A random figure.  I used zero reference for this one and thought it turned out nice!  Had i tried this months ago, or even before I started my form studies, I think it would have had drastically difference results.  I am happy.  And tails is there.  Because freakin tails.  just because.

More stuff tomorrow!
Hopefully I'll have more free time for studies.

Friday, June 21, 2013

June 20, 2013

Even when super tired some of these turned out rather nicely.
Pretty awesome :D!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 18, 2013 - Big Moment also 200 items!

To say today was an emotional day would be an understatement.  After being pretty surprised with yesterdays Vilppu studies I half expected to my drawings to remain very much the same as they were before the studies.  There were some concepts vilppu presented that I kind of understood but didn't fully grasp so early today I decided to rewatch Chapter 2.  I was really able to pick up on several little details that I wasn't entirely sure about the first time watching it.  A few hours after rewatching I returned to start my daily sketches.  I wanted to take what I learned during chapter 2 and put them to use.  Without the helpful aid of Vilppu's guidance, I wasn't expecting much, but any little improvement at all would be nice, but I wasn't going to hold my breath.  I don't even know if I was ready for what happened next.

I started the images just as normal as I had been, repeating a few things vilppu had said during his videos.  "Slow and methodical" "Think simple forms"  and wow...  It truly feels as though I have made a huge breakthrough with understanding forms.  I was able to see and read the figures in a way that I was never able to do before...  In a way that I never thought I would be able to read it.  I was able to break the figure down into forms for once!  Understandable forms!!  I couldn't and still cant believe what I was able to do.  It truly and honestly feels as though I had reached a level that was previously unobtainable.  A myth or a fiction that only others have reached where I'd look on in admiration.  I'm overwhelmingly ecstatic about the whole just... everything.  It really hit me right in the feels.  I cant recall a moment where I felt like this.  It's just... wow.  I am really looking forward to where things take me from here.  I just its, wow, words.

Enough talk.  Here's the sketches.
For these sketches I went back to because I know the figures have the tendency repeat the same images and thought it would be a nice place to compare.  I am very pleased with the results.  My understanding of flow and form is growing, and I love it!  The particular image on the bottom right is one that has shown up many times in my study.  Never before have I been able to look at it with as sharp of an eye as I am able to now.


I've been keeping track of the images I have made and to my surprise I have reached 200 Items!  Gotta pat myself on the back, none of this would have existed without me pushing through the hard times and art blocks.  CHEERS TO MANY MORE!!

A group I follow on facebook just updated and I love the message so I'll share it with you guys
"At this very moment, you are holding unbound potential. You hold within your possession the most powerful learning and creative problem-solving system known to man, far superior to any supercomputer ever invented. It is your brain."

What a nice note to end this blog on.
Until next time.  MORE TRAINING!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Vilppu Chapter 2 (didn't mean to rhyme that time)

Vilppu Chapter 2!
Spherical Forms!!!
Click here to view the full image
 Holy crap, i will never think of figures the same way again.  This chapter put so much stuff in perspective for me.  I will definitely be returning to this chapter in the future, there's no way i absorbed all this in one go around.  Spherical Form is the next step from Chapter 1 (gesture)

"Always learning" is a thing I've been telling myself lately.  Always take time to learn something new.  So a new challenge I've taken up is completing at least one tutorial a day, or some other form of learning or extended studies.  Today's case was Vilppu Chapter 2.

Today's character, Jone El!

This little guy was a main character in a series I had called "The Untitled Series" it only made it a few episodes, but as of where things are currently, The Untitled Series is the longest running animation series I have ever worked on.  It sets the bar pretty low for the runner up, but it will be a nice goal to reach one day.

There were actually 2 more version of this character (3 in total).  One was a more realistic version of this guy (Named Dren), and the other was part of a far more serious story.  A thing I really like with stories is a stark contrasts between characters, situations, and worlds...  Which might actually be why mine were often so "large" and "convoluted".  Unfortunately this serious version of  Jone El never fully saw the light of day as he came about roughly the time I stopped drawing.  More about these when I talk about The Untitled Series.  (I know it's not a character but I think it merits it's own time in the blog sometime)

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 14 - 16, 2013 Characters!!

So, I have quite a few characters and decided to draw them more.  My goal is to draw at least one of my characters every day.  So let's start out with Nona! She's kind of an important character in my stories.  I drew the character on the right from reference, then decided to try nona in that pose.  Oh Nona you silly.  She's kind of an adorable character.
Next is Leopold.
I have never actually drawn this character.  He is one of the very few serious characters I have.  He is a high ranking knight in a kingdom that is frozen in time.  Perhaps an alternate reality version of my Dogster character?  The two have a connection.

And this guy again!
I have no idea how to draw anthro characters, so there's a lot to learn before I get this one right.  Originally a character that was supposed to be me, I think I shaped him into something a little different.  We will see what happens with this guy in the future.  Currently doesnt have a name (I think)

And sketches!

Did these tonight, I was so tired during these so some didnt turn out too great.  Once again I used for the reference.

There is one more picture I drew and colored, but I'll upload that one tomorrow.  I have a bit to say about that one.

Another little tidbit of information before I end this blog.  I started watching the videos to the "Animator's Survival Kit." today.  I started with the introduction video.  I freakin love Vilppu, but man vilppu has nothing on this guys energy XD.

While watching the video, the guy said "You should know how to draw before trying to animate."  So I decided to put that series away until I finish vilppu.  Or at least the main series for him.

I must continue my training.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sony Consumer Trust [Animation]

At last it is complete!
I had a lot of anxiety doing this one for some reason.  I'm not entirely sure why but  my brain was just absolutely everywhere when putting this thing together.  From start to finish, the entire project took roughly 5 days, which isnt' bad at all, and is actually, and is rather good if i am perfectly honest with you.  But even still, It was incredibly difficult for me to work on it, let alone finish it.  More info after the animation!  Enjoy :D!!

Perhaps it was the fact that I was emulating a cartoon style that is already rather well known.  A part of me just didn't want to believe that i was able to actually pull it off well.  I kept telling myself that I need to just keep working, just keep animating, it will be fine.

Boy am i glad I did continue.  What is it that gets me hung up on things that prevents me from finishing (or even starting things sometimes)  I shouldn't second guess myself or my abilities.  I know I'm not the best, but that's why I need to continue my drawing CONTINUE MY TRAINING!  During this project, I could really feel all that training slooowwwly paying off.  I'm actually super anxious to start my next animation.  I'm super anxious for a lot of things!!!   OH MAN!  But wow my brain sure was all over the place...  I need to work on that.

Either way it's finally out of the way.
I hope to take what I learned during this animation to apply it to future projects.  Work on that focus! FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!!!!!  I really need to cut back on non-artsy things.  I need to get in the groove and stay in the groove!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

E3 and Animation

E3 had me tied down.  I'm a gamer at heart so you have to excuse my absence while I painfully awaited Nintendo's E3 conference.  BUT it's came and I got my smash bros. so back to work!

Animation wise. I started this animation a few days ago and am trying to crank it out as fast as i can.  It is in a completely different style than I am used to so it is taking some time.  I hoped to finish it tonight but my brain stopped working.

I will resume it first thing tomorrow and hopefully have it uploaded by night!

And just... here.  go here and just....  just go.
You can thank me later.

I freakin love the random characters in smash bros.  I finally got the character i've always wanted!!!  But Wii fit trainer.  I think we're married.  It's totally cannon.  Doggy <3 Wii Fit Trainer 4 life.

ok bed.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

June 08, 2013

Tried to upload this one for the past hour or so but the power kept going out @.@  (big storms tonight)

Regardless, here it is!
 I tried to utilize what I learned with Vilppu again.  I think I might see a bit of the flow in a few of these.  I am pleased.  I also used for these.  The new models were nice. still suffers from the same figures being shown over and over.  I think Quickposes might be a nice replacement.  I will use it again tomorrow.

And a Ninja dude!
This was supposed to be for that Fantasy RPG thing I was working on, but I think I got a better idea for pose and costume.  We'll see what I end up changing later.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 07, 2013 Part 2

I did a surprising amount today, more than I had done at least.  I finally finished up the first chapter of Vilppu (the other one I did was from a different portion i suppose) but It had me feeling a bit bitter about my skills and how far behind I really am, especially after the slump i was in yesterday  (why was I in such a dull mood yesterday? I dont even remember).  At least, that's how I initially felt when doing the studies, especially in the later potions of the chapter.  I felt pretty miserable, as though I was thrown back to square one.  Here are the notes I took, I'll talk more about it after:
Click here to view the full image in higher resolution

I wasn't happy with the last few of these and it was really getting to me.  So i took a breather.  I walked away then decided to come back with a clear mind.  After I had calmed my face, I looked them over again and still wasnt satisfied.

I reviewed what Vilppu had said in his video in my head.  His entire tone towards the matter and how to understand gesture drawings.  (that's what these were by the way, understanding the gesture drawing)  There were some phrases he said over and over "These are tools not rules"  Over and over he said that.  "These are tools not rules"  He also expressed how you are free to use these tools how you want, that there is no right and wrong way.  I also remember him saying how difficult and important this step is to master.

If you can understand the gestures then you have mastered the human form... or something like that...  I shouldn't expect to master this any time soon.  I need to take it slower.  sloooowwweeer  He also explained how gestures look like they are drawn fast, but it's actually a rather slow process.

I just need to take the fundamental ideas he presented in chapter 1 and review them over and over.  PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!!!  I won't get it right, right away, and I need to give myself room to grow.  And after all that, I feel content with what I have done.  READY FOR MORE!!!  Vilppu Chapter 2 is Spherical Forms.  I must admit, I am really looking forward to these!

After the vilppu drawings, I wanted to work on something a little different.  So I started on my character in a picture I am working on.
The complete image will be all of my friends in a Fantasy RPG type setting as our favorite classes.  There are no rules so I made myself a Medic Robot.  His character design is slightly based on an alternate reality version of a little stick figure character I had named Jone El.  He had one heck of a story but alas it never really came to be.

Ratchet and Clank

 This was a request from my good friend Larz had gave me a while back.  I tried to use some of the techniques I learned from Chapter 1 Vilppu thing on this one and I think it turned out alright.  I have no idea of the proportions of these characters, but I think they turned out nice.  I'm happy with them!

Dr. EggTails
Immediately after Ratchet and clank I drew Doctor EggTails.  A combination of Eggman and Tails haha (my two favorite sonic characters).  This was another request from my friend Shaunzy.  I'm not sure if it was much of a request but i remember he jokingly said I should do that a long while back, so I did :D!

Ending thoughts.  Dont be so hard on yourself, me,  you are still learning.  Just draw draw draw draw DRAW DRAW DRAW DRAW TILL IT HURTS THEN DRAW SOME MORE!!!!  Improvements will come.  Improvements have come.  Diligence.  Persistence.  I can do better.

Also, found a new website, I might have to give it a try next time I do figure drawings.
Check it out:

Till next time!!
I must keep up my training!!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

June 07, 2013

Had a pretty bitter day.
But I did a few drawings.
I thought they were turning out pretty terrible, but looking back there are a few that were not so bad.  Next time I wont do these when I'm about to pass out from tiredness.  But I want this to be a good month.  There's more things i need to change.

But regardless of the bitter day, I got some sketches done.
Good job!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Precursor to this blog.

Precursor to this blog.
I was working on an "About Me" page for this blog.  Then I remembered this.

It's a nice reminder to see where I was.

(Recorded Feb, 2012)

A few of the things I mention in this video are a bit outdated.  But it's good to see where my head was before I made this blog and to know the journey from there to here.  It's good to see that this blog has gone on for so long.  Here's to many more updates, and much more art progress!

Busy weekend so probably no updates.