Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Vilppu Chapter 2 (didn't mean to rhyme that time)

Vilppu Chapter 2!
Spherical Forms!!!
Click here to view the full image
 Holy crap, i will never think of figures the same way again.  This chapter put so much stuff in perspective for me.  I will definitely be returning to this chapter in the future, there's no way i absorbed all this in one go around.  Spherical Form is the next step from Chapter 1 (gesture)

"Always learning" is a thing I've been telling myself lately.  Always take time to learn something new.  So a new challenge I've taken up is completing at least one tutorial a day, or some other form of learning or extended studies.  Today's case was Vilppu Chapter 2.

Today's character, Jone El!

This little guy was a main character in a series I had called "The Untitled Series" it only made it a few episodes, but as of where things are currently, The Untitled Series is the longest running animation series I have ever worked on.  It sets the bar pretty low for the runner up, but it will be a nice goal to reach one day.

There were actually 2 more version of this character (3 in total).  One was a more realistic version of this guy (Named Dren), and the other was part of a far more serious story.  A thing I really like with stories is a stark contrasts between characters, situations, and worlds...  Which might actually be why mine were often so "large" and "convoluted".  Unfortunately this serious version of  Jone El never fully saw the light of day as he came about roughly the time I stopped drawing.  More about these when I talk about The Untitled Series.  (I know it's not a character but I think it merits it's own time in the blog sometime)

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