Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 07, 2013 Part 2

I did a surprising amount today, more than I had done at least.  I finally finished up the first chapter of Vilppu (the other one I did was from a different portion i suppose) but It had me feeling a bit bitter about my skills and how far behind I really am, especially after the slump i was in yesterday  (why was I in such a dull mood yesterday? I dont even remember).  At least, that's how I initially felt when doing the studies, especially in the later potions of the chapter.  I felt pretty miserable, as though I was thrown back to square one.  Here are the notes I took, I'll talk more about it after:
Click here to view the full image in higher resolution

I wasn't happy with the last few of these and it was really getting to me.  So i took a breather.  I walked away then decided to come back with a clear mind.  After I had calmed my face, I looked them over again and still wasnt satisfied.

I reviewed what Vilppu had said in his video in my head.  His entire tone towards the matter and how to understand gesture drawings.  (that's what these were by the way, understanding the gesture drawing)  There were some phrases he said over and over "These are tools not rules"  Over and over he said that.  "These are tools not rules"  He also expressed how you are free to use these tools how you want, that there is no right and wrong way.  I also remember him saying how difficult and important this step is to master.

If you can understand the gestures then you have mastered the human form... or something like that...  I shouldn't expect to master this any time soon.  I need to take it slower.  sloooowwweeer  He also explained how gestures look like they are drawn fast, but it's actually a rather slow process.

I just need to take the fundamental ideas he presented in chapter 1 and review them over and over.  PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!!!  I won't get it right, right away, and I need to give myself room to grow.  And after all that, I feel content with what I have done.  READY FOR MORE!!!  Vilppu Chapter 2 is Spherical Forms.  I must admit, I am really looking forward to these!

After the vilppu drawings, I wanted to work on something a little different.  So I started on my character in a picture I am working on.
The complete image will be all of my friends in a Fantasy RPG type setting as our favorite classes.  There are no rules so I made myself a Medic Robot.  His character design is slightly based on an alternate reality version of a little stick figure character I had named Jone El.  He had one heck of a story but alas it never really came to be.

Ratchet and Clank

 This was a request from my good friend Larz had gave me a while back.  I tried to use some of the techniques I learned from Chapter 1 Vilppu thing on this one and I think it turned out alright.  I have no idea of the proportions of these characters, but I think they turned out nice.  I'm happy with them!

Dr. EggTails
Immediately after Ratchet and clank I drew Doctor EggTails.  A combination of Eggman and Tails haha (my two favorite sonic characters).  This was another request from my friend Shaunzy.  I'm not sure if it was much of a request but i remember he jokingly said I should do that a long while back, so I did :D!

Ending thoughts.  Dont be so hard on yourself, me,  you are still learning.  Just draw draw draw draw DRAW DRAW DRAW DRAW TILL IT HURTS THEN DRAW SOME MORE!!!!  Improvements will come.  Improvements have come.  Diligence.  Persistence.  I can do better.

Also, found a new website, I might have to give it a try next time I do figure drawings.
Check it out:

Till next time!!
I must keep up my training!!!

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