Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 18, 2013 - Big Moment also 200 items!

To say today was an emotional day would be an understatement.  After being pretty surprised with yesterdays Vilppu studies I half expected to my drawings to remain very much the same as they were before the studies.  There were some concepts vilppu presented that I kind of understood but didn't fully grasp so early today I decided to rewatch Chapter 2.  I was really able to pick up on several little details that I wasn't entirely sure about the first time watching it.  A few hours after rewatching I returned to start my daily sketches.  I wanted to take what I learned during chapter 2 and put them to use.  Without the helpful aid of Vilppu's guidance, I wasn't expecting much, but any little improvement at all would be nice, but I wasn't going to hold my breath.  I don't even know if I was ready for what happened next.

I started the images just as normal as I had been, repeating a few things vilppu had said during his videos.  "Slow and methodical" "Think simple forms"  and wow...  It truly feels as though I have made a huge breakthrough with understanding forms.  I was able to see and read the figures in a way that I was never able to do before...  In a way that I never thought I would be able to read it.  I was able to break the figure down into forms for once!  Understandable forms!!  I couldn't and still cant believe what I was able to do.  It truly and honestly feels as though I had reached a level that was previously unobtainable.  A myth or a fiction that only others have reached where I'd look on in admiration.  I'm overwhelmingly ecstatic about the whole just... everything.  It really hit me right in the feels.  I cant recall a moment where I felt like this.  It's just... wow.  I am really looking forward to where things take me from here.  I just its, wow, words.

Enough talk.  Here's the sketches.
For these sketches I went back to because I know the figures have the tendency repeat the same images and thought it would be a nice place to compare.  I am very pleased with the results.  My understanding of flow and form is growing, and I love it!  The particular image on the bottom right is one that has shown up many times in my study.  Never before have I been able to look at it with as sharp of an eye as I am able to now.


I've been keeping track of the images I have made and to my surprise I have reached 200 Items!  Gotta pat myself on the back, none of this would have existed without me pushing through the hard times and art blocks.  CHEERS TO MANY MORE!!

A group I follow on facebook just updated and I love the message so I'll share it with you guys
"At this very moment, you are holding unbound potential. You hold within your possession the most powerful learning and creative problem-solving system known to man, far superior to any supercomputer ever invented. It is your brain."

What a nice note to end this blog on.
Until next time.  MORE TRAINING!

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