Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 21, 2013 - Have a Goal.

The more I continue my studies, the more I am learning why having a goal of some kind is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL.  It really gives me something to work towards and gives me some kind of progression meter. 

I noticed there are definitely right and wrong ways to go about setting goals.  When I was younger, I would always try to stay away from goals because I would always set very hard or impossible art goals that would discourage me from doing the very thing it was supposed to help me get better at.  Drawing.

My goals are simply to draw more, and continue my studies.  If life gets in the way, dont make a big deal out of it, continue when I can, but always continue.  I'll talk more about this when it's not so late again.  In the meantime, here are the sketches!  These were 1 min long sketches.

I wasn't too thrilled with these.  I think I lost my grip on forms a bit, so I went back to watch Vilppu chapter 2 one more time.  I took a few notes again...  But I noticed something rather peculiar.

My circles looked pretty nice! haha, so i did a ton of those and played a bit around with forms.  I think the random form studies turned out rather nice also.  I actually learned a thing or two from them.
Among the random forms, this thing was born.  A random figure.  I used zero reference for this one and thought it turned out nice!  Had i tried this months ago, or even before I started my form studies, I think it would have had drastically difference results.  I am happy.  And tails is there.  Because freakin tails.  just because.

More stuff tomorrow!
Hopefully I'll have more free time for studies.

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