Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sony Consumer Trust [Animation]

At last it is complete!
I had a lot of anxiety doing this one for some reason.  I'm not entirely sure why but  my brain was just absolutely everywhere when putting this thing together.  From start to finish, the entire project took roughly 5 days, which isnt' bad at all, and is actually, and is rather good if i am perfectly honest with you.  But even still, It was incredibly difficult for me to work on it, let alone finish it.  More info after the animation!  Enjoy :D!!

Perhaps it was the fact that I was emulating a cartoon style that is already rather well known.  A part of me just didn't want to believe that i was able to actually pull it off well.  I kept telling myself that I need to just keep working, just keep animating, it will be fine.

Boy am i glad I did continue.  What is it that gets me hung up on things that prevents me from finishing (or even starting things sometimes)  I shouldn't second guess myself or my abilities.  I know I'm not the best, but that's why I need to continue my drawing CONTINUE MY TRAINING!  During this project, I could really feel all that training slooowwwly paying off.  I'm actually super anxious to start my next animation.  I'm super anxious for a lot of things!!!   OH MAN!  But wow my brain sure was all over the place...  I need to work on that.

Either way it's finally out of the way.
I hope to take what I learned during this animation to apply it to future projects.  Work on that focus! FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!!!!!  I really need to cut back on non-artsy things.  I need to get in the groove and stay in the groove!

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