Monday, June 24, 2013

June 23, 2013 - Hate Boxes & Physics Lesson

Hate boxes.  I hate box forms, I uuugh...
I have never been able to draw boxes in 3d space.  This is a very important thing and I am absolutely terrible at it.  I suppose the same could be said about gestures... the same can be said about forms...  but oh man.... boxes.  I will really reaaaaallllly dont like boxes. 
Now...  With that being said, I am not discouraged from giving it my all.  If your gonna start somewhere it might as well be on rock bottom.  While there is in fact a part of me that just wants to run from the box, I know that doing that will do no good.  I remember a very important lesson I learned in my old high school physics class.  That was simply "If you never study it, you will never learn it."  Of-course it was referring to studying the new material in the class, but that lesson really stuck with me and has been a key point here in this blog.  I was afraid of the human figure, I was afraid of the gesture, I was afraid of the spherical forms.  While I am definitely no master in any of those area, I now at least have at least a basic understanding of them all.  Boxes will be no different.  BRING IT ON BOXES!

Now for another character of mine.
This guy is what i called a "Native Bot"  He was part of a robot race that thrived in lush forests.  Like a crazy plant robot hybrid thing!  These guys were among the last few things I made before I stopped all art things prior, but I really like their design and their "mystical" nature.

Till next time.
Training training training!

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