Friday, January 10, 2014

Jan. 09, 2014 - New Year Resolutions and Sketches

Despite everything that's been going on, I have set quite a few new year resolutions for myself.  They are very much along the lines of what I have been doing, but I might as well use this to remind myself.  Will get to those after the sketches though.
 Some general sketches to get me back in the swing of things.  These were done on my old Graphire4.  It's a bit odd to draw these on this old tablet again so It really feels like I'm having to relearn some things.  Not the best, but I hadn't done anything in a while so i cant beat myself up too much over it.
 A few extra doodles i did without reference.  Don't really have a lot to say, but the proportions turned out pretty decent at least.

 New Year Resolutions/ Goals/ Etc
1.  Continue moving forward.  I've been relatively good at this one, but just as a reminder, I need to keep at it.
2.  Fewer distractions.  Cut out the things that are keeping me from my studies.  While I certainly don't have the free time I once had, There are a number of things I can cut out of my life (or at least cut back on) that can give me much more time to do my studies and improve my art.
3.  Facial Expressions.  Facial expressions are very important in cartooning, and having a better understanding of faces will breath new life into my characters.
4.  More Animating.  Quit beating around the bush and get back to animating.  I need to set some time aside every day to just work on those.  Even if it's just practice.  I need to animate more.
5.  Finish more things.  This one ties in with the animating a bit.  I really need to finish more things.  Losing my stuff on my hard drive recently really opened my eyes at how many projects i actually start but never finish.  Who cares if it's not "Perfect".  Perfect does not exist.  I just need to put my best foot forward and leave it at that.  Take what I've learned, then move on to the next.
6.  Art Vlog.  I really want to give the art vlog a shot.  I mentioned it a few times at the end of last year, I think I'll give that an honest shot.  If it works and I enjoy it, I'll continue it.  If I do not enjoy it, I'll just set it aside.  Should be interesting.  But I want to at least give it a shot.
7.  Have a clear mind.   Sometimes it's easy to just get lost...  I don't know exactly how to explain it, but at times it can feel like all of this is just too late for me to continue.  It's not as bad as it used to be, and I'm positive I'm in a better position to combat this, but sometimes that little thought crosses my mind that my time as an artist has passed.  I need to acknowledge that yes, it is a bit later for me, but no, that doesn't mean that my time is up.  I have seen improvements, I can FEEL the improvements.  I know better than that.  I need clear focus, clear focus.
8.  Stay in Shape.  I'm a gamer/artist/graphic designer...  Exercise is not a thing that happens often, but I need to make it part of my routine.  Keeping in shape and eating right definitely boosts energy.  And having higher energy levels lead to more productivity, thus improving everything else.  So at least try to do a few sit ups and push ups daily.

I think I'm ready for a nice productive year of MORE TRAINING!!!  

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