Thursday, January 30, 2014

Jan. 29, 2014 - Daily Grind, Sketches, Fox Dude

Ya know, to be honest, I don't think I've been this discouraged in many many years.  Not from art, but just discouraged in general.  Few more months and here's hoping I can get a summer break.  I need to stay focused.

Here's the sketches.
 I did the normal sketches and went back to try more focused studies of
the above quick sketches.  I only managed to get 2 more focused studies done.
Some random character I did.  Doesn't have a name, but i kinda like the way it turned out.  It was a nice way to end the night.  Something I've noticed is that I really like to draw anime/monster/robot people.  There's a lot more I can do with the design, and I dunno.  I think I've talked about this on the blog before, but I just find them a lot more fun and interesting to draw.

Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for my situation I really need to just get back into my studies.  The sooner I can switch my focus the better.  I've been trying to get a new sleep schedule to at least have more time to get stuff done.  I tried this schedule the other week and managed to get a lot more done than normal.  If i could try that then focus that time on art, that would be great.


Just found this.  I am now giggling on the floor.


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